Tag: skin care

Holi Skin Care: 4 Essential Diet Tips To Prepare Your Skin For Gulaal

Holi Skin Care: 4 Essential Diet Tips To Prepare Your Skin For Gulaal

[ad_1] The one festival that makes the Spring season special for all is Holi. The festival of colours is just around the corner and we are busy making all the preparations to celebrate it with much fun and fervour. Now, let's ask you, what comes to your mind when we say Holi preparation? You all will obviously say - making delicious gujiyas, buying colours, water guns, balloons and getting your Holi wear ready. While we totally agree with each of these, but have you ever thought of getting your skin ready as well? No, we are not talking about applying moisturisers and oil before going out on that very day. In fact, it is important to start with the preparation beforehand. Fret not, we have got you covered.Why Is Pre-Holi Skin Care Important For You?Holi celebration inevitably means apply...
International Women’s Day 2024: 9 Anti-Ageing Foods Every Woman Deserves For Timeless Beauty

International Women’s Day 2024: 9 Anti-Ageing Foods Every Woman Deserves For Timeless Beauty

[ad_1] As we celebrate International Women's Day 2024 on March 8, our pursuit of youthfulness and beauty remains a timeless aspiration. While ageing is inevitable, who wouldn't want to maintain that radiant glow and youthful vigour for as long as possible? While we can't halt the clock, we can certainly slow down its effects through mindful lifestyle choices, including a nourishing diet. After all, the adage holds true: you are what you eat. Your dietary habits play a pivotal role in nurturing your inner health and outward appearance. Let's explore some incredible anti-ageing foods for women, as recommended by experts.According to Dr Sheela Krishnaswamy, the essence of anti-ageing foods lies not in a singular category but in a spectrum of fruits and vegetables that should constitute our ...
International Women’s Day 2024: 9 Anti-Ageing Foods Every Woman Deserves For Timeless Beauty

International Women’s Day 2024: 9 Anti-Ageing Foods Every Woman Deserves For Timeless Beauty

[ad_1] As we celebrate International Women's Day 2024 on March 8, our pursuit of youthfulness and beauty remains a timeless aspiration. While ageing is inevitable, who wouldn't want to maintain that radiant glow and youthful vigour for as long as possible? While we can't halt the clock, we can certainly slow down its effects through mindful lifestyle choices, including a nourishing diet. After all, the adage holds true: you are what you eat. Your dietary habits play a pivotal role in nurturing your inner health and outward appearance. Let's explore some incredible anti-ageing foods for women, as recommended by experts.According to Dr Sheela Krishnaswamy, the essence of anti-ageing foods lies not in a singular category but in a spectrum of fruits and vegetables that should constitute our ...
Pigmentation Problems? This Simple Home Remedy Promises To Beat It Naturally

Pigmentation Problems? This Simple Home Remedy Promises To Beat It Naturally

[ad_1] We all dream of radiant and flawless skin and end up investing heavily in elaborate skincare products. What we overlook is the crucial role that diet plays in skin health. Skin pigmentation is a common problem that many women and even men face, due to many reasons. While a skincare routine can certainly help address pigmentation issues, the foods we consume also play a significant role in achieving a luminous complexion. Our skin reflects what we put into our bodies, making dietary choices paramount in our fight against pigmentation. A well-rounded diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can work wonders in improving skin tone and texture, complementing any skincare regimen.What are the causes of skin pigmentation?Understanding the root causes of pigmentation is essentia...
40 Is The New 20! 8 Diet Tips To Get Youthful Skin After 40 And Beyond

40 Is The New 20! 8 Diet Tips To Get Youthful Skin After 40 And Beyond

[ad_1] Are you noticing loose, flabby skin and unwelcome wrinkles as you hit your forties? Remember, achieving youthful skin is not just about what you put on your skin but also what you put inside your body. By making mindful dietary choices and incorporating skin-loving foods and habits, you can defy age and embrace radiant, glowing skin well into your forties and beyond. Don't know how to start? Fear not, because there's a recipe for radiant, youthful skin, straight from the expertise of Shivani Bajwa, a Functional Medicine practitioner. She sheds light on the primary culprit behind skin dullness and wrinkling in women over 40: insulin resistance (IR).Also Read: Tamannaah Bhatia's Nutritionist Dishes Out 5 Secrets To Get Naturally Beautiful Skin!Does insulin resistance affect your ski...
Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

[ad_1] Picture this - you have a big day ahead, and you wake up with a puffy face. Such a bummer, isn't it? The worst part is that no amount of makeup helps you fix the situation and make you look bright and glowing. So, what do you do then? A quick search on the internet will tell you to dip your face in ice water. We agree this celebrity-endorsed hack works wonders, but it is just a temporary solution. You can't surely think of doing this during winter. Right? This is why we found you some sustainable diet and lifestyle habits that may help you go a long way. These healthy tips are shared by nutritionist Simrun Chopra on her official Instagram handle.Also Read: Foods For Healthy Skin: Discover The 5 Best And Worst Foods For Your SkinWhat Does A Puffy Face Indicate? Reasons Why Your Fac...
Start Your Morning Right! 5 Nourishing Drinks For Healthy And Glowing Skin

Start Your Morning Right! 5 Nourishing Drinks For Healthy And Glowing Skin

[ad_1] Isn't it disappointing when you find your skin looking dull even after following a proper skincare routine? For most of us, skin care means investing in fancy creams and ointments. They may be helpful, but if you only focus on using them, you may not get permanent solutions. To achieve healthy and radiant skin, it's important to pay equal attention to the types of foods and drinks we consume on a daily basis. This is particularly true for mornings as this is the time when our skin needs the maximum amount of nourishment. Unfortunately, tea and coffee are the most consumed beverages in the morning. They may help awaken your senses, but what we don't realise is the amount of damage they cause to our skin. Instead, we should opt for healthier alternatives that help nourish our skin f...
Skin Health: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Broccoli For Skin You Need To Know

Skin Health: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Broccoli For Skin You Need To Know

[ad_1] Skincare is something that shouldn't be ignored at all costs. If we do not take proper care of our skin, it'll end up looking dull, dehydrated, and lacking the natural glow that makes it look healthy. And no one wants that, right? Contrary to what most people think, skin care is not all about investing in fancy products that burn a hole in your pocket. There's no doubt that they do help provide nourishment to your skin, but they're not the best option to rely on if you want long-lasting results. In order to nourish your skin naturally, you must pay equal attention to the type of food you consume on a daily basis. Including certain fruits and vegetables in your diet can make a huge difference in how your skin looks. Broccoli is one such vegetable that is known to have remarkable be...
Papaya: Your Skin’s Best Friend – 5 Incredible Benefits You Should Know

Papaya: Your Skin’s Best Friend – 5 Incredible Benefits You Should Know

[ad_1] A proper skincare regime is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Contrary to what most people think, just investing in fancy cosmetic products won't yield the best results. Sure, they might work, but they don't necessarily treat the problem at its root. If you truly want to address your skin issues, you must be mindful of the type of food that you consume on a daily basis. It's all about striking a balance between skincare products and following a well-balanced diet. Luckily, there are plants, fruits, and vegetables that you can rely on to boost your skin's health. One such fruit that you must include in your diet is papaya. Known to have various skin-benefiting properties, it can help nourish your skin from within. Check out its benefits below:Also Read: How To Choose Perfect ...
Nutritionist Reveals Secrets For Achieving Youthful And Glowing Skin In Your 40s

Nutritionist Reveals Secrets For Achieving Youthful And Glowing Skin In Your 40s

[ad_1] Who doesn't want to look pretty? Some of us invest thousands of rupees in skincare products, while others experiment with traditional remedies in the quest to be the best possible version of ourselves. From besan (gram flour) to turmeric and lemon, we've all tried various tips and tricks to achieve a youthful look. However, it is also true that these tricks don't always deliver the desired results, and some can even be harmful to the skin in the long run. Nutritionist Simrun Chopra, at the age of 40, possesses remarkably radiant skin. In a recent Instagram reel, she divulges the secrets behind her youthful glow. Not surprisingly, the expert says that our dietary choices have a significant impact on our skin. The nutritionist emphasizes how consuming the right foods can lead to fla...