Tag: Roman Space Telescope

Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: NASA set to solve many secrets of the Universe

Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: NASA set to solve many secrets of the Universe

[ad_1] The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, set to launch around May 2027, will provide a groundbreaking view of the Milky Way Galaxy. This NASA mission aims to monitor hundreds of millions of stars in search of subtle flickers that indicate the presence of celestial objects, including exoplanets, distant stars, icy objects in our solar system, black holes, and more.Roman's capabilities are essential for advancing the field of time-domain astronomy, which focuses on studying how the universe evolves over time. The telescope's Galactic Bulge Time-Domain Survey will focus on the Milky Way Galaxy, utilizing its infrared vision to peer through dust clouds that obstruct our view of the galaxy's central region. Roman's unique capabilities make it a valuable discovery machine with its vast f...
400 Earth-mass rogue planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? NASA explains

400 Earth-mass rogue planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? NASA explains

[ad_1] NASA reveals that the Milky Way Galaxy may contain over 400 Earth-mass rogue planets. These rogue planets drift in space and they do not orbit any star at all, which makes them special. It is speculated that these planets are hidden in the Milky Way Galaxy and NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope could spot over 400 of these rogue planets. According to NASA's report, the unknown planets were from outside the galaxy, but drifted into it with some unknown mechanism. “We estimate that our galaxy is home to 20 times more rogue planets than stars – trillions of worlds wandering alone,” said David Bennett, a senior research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. About the rogue planet and upcoming missionSo far we know that planets outside the sol...
What is the mysterious and hidden Dark Energy that NASA, ESA have joined forces to tackle

What is the mysterious and hidden Dark Energy that NASA, ESA have joined forces to tackle

[ad_1] Dark energy, and dark matter, take us into a world of the invisible universe that is very much there, but we cannot observe it. And it is bigger than the observable universe! And now, NASA and ESA are tackling this mysterious force right in earnest to reveal its hidden secrets. According to NASA, dark energy and dark matter are an invisible form of matter that make up most of the universe's mass and creates its underlying structure. 68% of the universe is dark energy, and the rest 27% is dark matter which leaves only 5% of the universe that includes our Earth, Sun, planets, and all that we have observed so far. Shocking, right?Over the years scientists have been trying to thoroughly investigate the matter that surrounds us. but no solid explanations emerged. However, to solve the...
NASA’s Roman Space Telescope will unravel the Universe like never before

NASA’s Roman Space Telescope will unravel the Universe like never before

[ad_1] Can the universe be rewinded? Going into the past is impossible. However, scientists and researchers keep trying to go back in time. It is now being said that a new simulation shows how NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will turn back the cosmic clock, unveiling the evolving universe in ways that have never been possible before when it launches by May 2027."With its ability to rapidly image enormous swaths of space, Roman will help us understand how the universe transformed from a primordial sea of charged particles to the intricate network of vast cosmic structures we see today," a report by NASA stated. Notably, combining Roman's large view with Hubble Space Telescope's broader wavelength coverage and James Webb Space Telescope's more detailed observations will offer a ...