Tag: potassium rich foods

Study Reveals North Indian Diet May Not Provide Optimal Nutrition, Suggests Measures

Study Reveals North Indian Diet May Not Provide Optimal Nutrition, Suggests Measures

[ad_1] In a recent study conducted by researchers at The George Institute for Global Health India, in collaboration with the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh, some revelations have been made regarding the dietary habits of adults in north India. Published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, the study sheds light on the alarming trends in salt consumption, potassium intake, and protein consumption, all of which play pivotal roles in the onset of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and chronic kidney disease.Lead author Prof. Vivekanand Jha emphasized the importance of understanding dietary habits, stating, "A poor nutritious diet is a major risk element for non-communicable diseases (NCD), which are ...
Potential Of Potassium: 5 Reasons Why You Should Load Up On Potassium

Potential Of Potassium: 5 Reasons Why You Should Load Up On Potassium

[ad_1] Over the years, we have seen people being more conscious about what they eat and especially post-pandemic, the focus has shifted to the nutrients in their diet. By now, we all know how important it is to eat foods enriched with protein, fibre, antioxidants and vitamin C. But still, there are some essential nutrients that are highly ignored and underrated – one such being potassium. Do you know, potassium supports various bodily functions including maintaining a healthy heart and strong nerves? You heard us. According to a report by the Harvard School of Public Health, potassium is also referred to as an electrolyte as “it carries a small electrical charge that activates various cell and nerve functions”. You will easily find potassium in the everyday food ingredients available in ...
Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick Relief

Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick Relief

[ad_1] Waking up after a night of indulgence with head pounding, stomach churning, and feeling like a wreck - we realise that it's the dreadful hangover. Hangovers can be a real buzzkill, leaving us with regret and looking for ways to restore our energy. While prevention is the best approach, sometimes we get carried away and drink one too many. Fear not! Nature has provided us with some effective remedies that can help ease those hangover symptoms and get you back on your feet. These simple home remedies are bound to make you feel better.Also Read: Post-Party Hangover? Cure It With This Expert-Recommended Meal PlanHere Are 6 Home Remedies To Relieve Hangover:1. Hydration Is Important:To cure a hangover, hydration is most important. Alcohol dehydrates your body, leading to headaches and ...