Monday, March 10

Tag: Partial solar eclipse iceland

Partial solar eclipse started in Iceland and headed to India

Partial solar eclipse started in Iceland and headed to India

[ad_1] A partial solar eclipse began over Iceland on Tuesday as the rare celestial spectacle started to make its way east across a swathe of the Northern Hemisphere. A partial solar eclipse began over Iceland on Tuesday as the rare celestial spectacle started to make its way east across a swathe of the Northern Hemisphere.The partial eclipse began at 0858 GMT and ended off the coast of India at 1302 GMT, crossing parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East on its way, according to the IMCCE institute of France's Paris Observatory. Amateur astronomers were told they must not stare directly at the eclipse, which will not darken the sky, and should instead wear protective glasses to avoid eye damage, experts said. Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth,...
Partial solar eclipse from Iceland to India on Tuesday

Partial solar eclipse from Iceland to India on Tuesday

[ad_1] The eclipse will cross Europe, North Africa and the Middle East on its way, according to the IMCCE institute of France's Paris Observatory. A partial solar eclipse will be visible across a swathe of the Northern Hemisphere on Tuesday, with amateur astronomers warned to take care watching the rare phenomenon. The eclipse will start at 0858 GMT in Iceland and end off the coast of India at 1302 GMT, crossing Europe, North Africa and the Middle East on its way, according to the IMCCE institute of France's Paris Observatory. Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting its shadow down onto our planet. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon completely blocks the Sun's disk, momentarily plunging a portion of the Earth into complete darkne...