Monday, March 10

Tag: Partial solar eclipse

Partial solar eclipse enchants sky gazers in Kolkata

Partial solar eclipse enchants sky gazers in Kolkata

[ad_1] Sky gazers assembled on rooftops and in open ground across West Bengal on Tuesday to witness the partial solar eclipse. Sky gazers assembled on rooftops and in open ground across West Bengal on Tuesday to witness the partial solar eclipse, which was visible from most parts of India along with several other countries.At Birla Industrial & Technological Museum (BITM), Kolkata, around 25 students, teachers, and other visitors had gathered on its premises to watch the celestial spectacle. The director at Institute of Astronomy Space and Earth Science, Debiprosad Duari, said, “The cosmic experience began at 4:52 pm, and it was at its peak at 5:01 pm. "Enthusiasts were initially not sure whether the partial eclipse can be seen amid predictions of rain due to cyclone 'Sitrang'. To...
Partial solar eclipse from Iceland to India on Tuesday

Partial solar eclipse from Iceland to India on Tuesday

[ad_1] The eclipse will cross Europe, North Africa and the Middle East on its way, according to the IMCCE institute of France's Paris Observatory. A partial solar eclipse will be visible across a swathe of the Northern Hemisphere on Tuesday, with amateur astronomers warned to take care watching the rare phenomenon. The eclipse will start at 0858 GMT in Iceland and end off the coast of India at 1302 GMT, crossing Europe, North Africa and the Middle East on its way, according to the IMCCE institute of France's Paris Observatory. Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting its shadow down onto our planet. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon completely blocks the Sun's disk, momentarily plunging a portion of the Earth into complete darkne...
Surya Grahan: Partial solar eclipse on October 25 will be visible from most parts of India

Surya Grahan: Partial solar eclipse on October 25 will be visible from most parts of India

[ad_1] During the Diwali festival, there will be a partial solar eclipse which will be visible from most parts of India. During the Diwali festival on October 25, there will be a partial solar eclipse which will be visible from the Kolkata city as well as from most parts of the country, astrophysicist Debi Prasad Duari said.The eastern metropolis, however, will be able to witness the partial solar eclipse, the second in 2022, for a very small duration, the celestial phenomenon will be better observed in the northern and western regions of the country, he said. The Surya grahan will not be observed from north eastern India as the celestial phenomenon will be occurring after the sunset in those regions, Duari said. Apart from India, the October 25-partial cosmic affair will be visible f...
Partial Solar eclipse date and where it will be visible in India

Partial Solar eclipse date and where it will be visible in India

[ad_1] Partial solar eclipse will be visible on October 25, in some parts of India, western Russia and Kazakhstan. Here’s all you need to know. A partial solar eclipse of this year will be visible in several parts of the world on Tuesday, October 25. It will be best visible in parts of western Russia and Kazakhstan and in some parts of India. Tamilnadu Science and Technology Centre said in a press release that the partial eclipse will be visible in Chennai, beginning at 5.14 p.m. and ending at 5.44 p.m. However, in certain parts of Russia and Kazakhstan, it would be visible around 80%. Additionally, it would also be visible in most parts of Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.Those who are in the area where the upcoming solar eclipse will be visible, are advis...