4 Things To Look Out For While Buying Packaged Food
What's common between a bag of chips and a packaged tea-time cake? They're both considered to be junk food. Junk food is a term given to foods that have a low nutritional value and high calorific value. Junk food has an addictive nature because of its flavour; but it does not have any such healthy impact on the human body. On the other hand, it causes weight gain, increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease and can cause lifestyle diseases too. This is why it is always advised to read and understand the food labels while buying any type of packaged meal. Here Are 4 Points To Be Kept In Mind While Buying Packaged Food:1. Serving Size:Every food label has a serving size mentioned on it. While some types of packed food have one serving, others may contain more than one servi...