Tag: overeating

5 Surprising Food Habits That Are Making You Overeat … And How To Change Them

5 Surprising Food Habits That Are Making You Overeat … And How To Change Them

[ad_1] Overeating is eating food even when you are full and not feeling hungry. While sometimes you may overeat that extra slice of cake, even when you are full, many times you might be overeating unintentionally. It is best to spot the poor food habits that are causing you to overeat and take action to control your diet and prevent any negative consequences associated with overeating. According to the Cleveland Clinic, when you overeat, you may feel acid reflux, bloating, gas, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain, tiredness and sluggishness. Overeating can also alter how your body regulates hunger and lead to weight gain. Prevent all these potential issues by letting go of poor food habits and adopting healthier ones.Here Are 5 Habits That Are Making You Overeat Even When You Are Not Hungry:...
Overeating, No More! Expert Shares A Quick Hack To Control Your Portions

Overeating, No More! Expert Shares A Quick Hack To Control Your Portions

[ad_1] Let's agree, we all have tried losing weight at some point in life and it's not at all a bed of roses. You need enough time, dedication and patience to bid adieu to those love handles effectively. It gets even tougher if you are a foodie like us. While it is okay to cheat at times and treat yourself to decadent delicacies, eating out of your limits can have a negative effect on your health. Overeating will not only add extra kilos to your body but may also lead to associated health troubles including high blood pressure, and cholesterol amongst others. Fret not, we have got you covered. We got you a super easy hack that will prevent you from eating more than your appetite. But to get to that, you need to first understand when it is time to draw the lines and stop eating.How To Und...
Can Water Help Satisfy Untimely Hunger Pangs? Expert Reveals The Truth

Can Water Help Satisfy Untimely Hunger Pangs? Expert Reveals The Truth

[ad_1] Craving indulgent, cheesy, and high-calorie foods while on a diet is a common struggle. Giving in to these cravings is not an option, so how can you satisfy your hunger pangs and unusual cravings? Fear not, we have a healthy solution for you. But first, let's delve into the nature of cravings. Scientific studies have identified two types of cravings: selective and non-selective cravings. While selective cravings are clear and specific, non-selective cravings are vague and often lead to intense hunger pangs. This is where the problem begins.Understanding The Link Between Thirst And Hunger:Consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta reveals an interesting insight about cravings and hunger pangs. She explains, "Approximately 80 percent of the time, our brain confuses thirst, which can be tr...
How To Stop Overeating At Night? Follow These Simple Tips To Avoid Weight Gain

How To Stop Overeating At Night? Follow These Simple Tips To Avoid Weight Gain

[ad_1] As the old adage goes, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" - and there is some truth to it, backed by science. Since our body is most active during the morning hours, a heavy breakfast can be digested quickly. However, it is crucial to follow it up with a light lunch and an even lighter dinner. Unfortunately, many of us follow this routine in the completely opposite direction. We tend to skip breakfast and overindulge at night due to our hectic routines, unhealthy eating habits, or social events. Unsurprisingly, this leads to excessive calorie intake and unwanted weight gain.What Time Should You Stop Eating At Night To Lose Weight?To promote weight loss, try to finish eating two to three hours before bedtime, recommends consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta. This allo...
How To Stop Overeating At Night? Follow These Simple Tips To Avoid Weight Gain

How To Stop Overeating At Night? Follow These Simple Tips To Avoid Weight Gain

[ad_1] As the old adage goes, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" - and there is some truth to it, backed by science. Since our body is most active during the morning hours, a heavy breakfast can be digested quickly. However, it is crucial to follow it up with a light lunch and an even lighter dinner. Unfortunately, many of us follow this routine in the completely opposite direction. We tend to skip breakfast and overindulge at night due to our hectic routines, unhealthy eating habits, or social events. Unsurprisingly, this leads to excessive calorie intake and unwanted weight gain.What Time Should You Stop Eating At Night To Lose Weight?To promote weight loss, try to finish eating two to three hours before bedtime, recommends consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta. This allo...
Have You Been Overeating Lately? 8 Genius Tips To Avoid Eating Too Much

Have You Been Overeating Lately? 8 Genius Tips To Avoid Eating Too Much

[ad_1] If overeating is an offence, then we would all be guilty as charged! Be it our habit or stress or simply the taste of the food, chances are, we all have overeaten at some point. Sometimes, eating too much is just a classic instance of 'eyes growing bigger than your stomach'. This majorly happens after seeing a spread of yummy delicacies at a buffet. We start with the appetiser, then move on to the main course, and by the time we get to the dessert section, we are more than full but still eat it. Totally relatable, right? But have you ever wondered, how much is too much eating? And if you are overeating, how to cut back on food? Fret not, as always, we have got your back.We found some expert tips that will help you control the portion size of your meal. These genius hacks are share...
Overeating? Here’s How To Improve Digestion And Keep Bloating At Bay

Overeating? Here’s How To Improve Digestion And Keep Bloating At Bay

[ad_1] If overeating was an offence, we would all be guilty as charged! Whether it is during festive seasons, weddings or family get-togethers, we have all eaten more than necessary at some point in our lives. We start off with snacks, go onto the main course and by the time we reach desserts - we are truly bursting at the seams. If you have been bingeing endlessly on food and want to improve your digestion, we have just what you need. These diet tips will truly prove helpful after your food binge session. There is no need to worry about bloating or indigestion or feel guilty, simply keep these foods and tips handy and keep digestive issues at bay!Here's How You Can Improve Digestion And Avoid Bloating In Spite Of Overeating:1. Drink Warm WaterIf you have been hogging on food incessantly...
How To Avoid Overeating During Festivals? Expert Reveals

How To Avoid Overeating During Festivals? Expert Reveals

[ad_1] The festival time is in full swing in India and there is not a single day that goes without sweets, savories, and every kind of palatable food item you can imagine! All this food can make it difficult for anyone to resist the temptation of eating, especially when you are at home with family or partying with friends. But what this can also do is send you on an overeating spree - knowingly or unknowingly. What do you do in such circumstances - more so if you have an underlying health condition? Saying no would sound impolite - because hey, it is festival time! And eating everything on offer can be detrimental over time. Worry not! We bring you some tips that you can follow to avoid overeating without compromising on that festive mood.Here Are Some Tips To Avoid Overeating During Fes...