Tag: non dairy calcium foods

Avoiding Dairy? 6 Non-Dairy Dietary Additions For Stronger Bones

Avoiding Dairy? 6 Non-Dairy Dietary Additions For Stronger Bones

[ad_1] Dairy products aren't the only way to strengthen your bones. If you're lactose intolerant or simply prefer non-dairy options, this one's for you! Maintaining robust bones doesn't mean you have to rely solely on milk and cheese. Adopting a non-dairy diet for stronger bones doesn't mean compromising on flavour or variety. With a colourful array of nutrient-rich foods, you can build and maintain bone strength without a drop of milk. Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee, in a post on her Instagram handle, shared some fantastic alternatives that will provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs for bone health.Also Read: For Better Bone Strength, Include These 7 Fruits And Vegetables In Your Diet Here Are 6 Non-Dairy Dietary Options For Strong Bones: 1. Raw Carrots and Spinach Juice...
5 Non-Dairy Foods That Are Excellent Sources Of Calcium

5 Non-Dairy Foods That Are Excellent Sources Of Calcium

[ad_1] Our body needs nutrition in the form of various macro and micro nutrients, each one of them playing their own part in bringing us health and wellness. We all know that calcium is essential for strong bones, teeth and hair. But its benefits don't end here. Calcium also aids heart health and muscle function. In fact, deficiency of calcium can lead to many health problems like osteoporosis, arthritis hypertension, and muscle cramps. Unfortunately, our body is not able to produce calcium on its own, this is why it is important to consume enough calcium through our diet.Also Read: 5 Everyday Foods That May Be Ruining Your Teeth - What You Must Eat InsteadFortunately, there are plenty of calcium-rich foods to pick from. Dairy products like milk, cheese and curd are some of the best sour...