Tag: nebula image

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 10 January 2023: Mesmerizing Cone Nebula captured

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 10 January 2023: Mesmerizing Cone Nebula captured

[ad_1] NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day provides a mesmerizing view of the star-forming region known as Cone Nebula. The region of a galaxy where stars are forming at an especially high rate is known as a Star Nursery or a Nebula. These star-forming regions are usually found in the spiral arms of galaxies, where there is a high density of molecular clouds. Gravity within a molecular cloud causes the gas and dust to collapse, forming dense cores. As the cores grow denser and hotter, they begin to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium, which releases energy in the form of light and heat. Once a core reaches a certain temperature and density, a new star is born.NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a bewitching picture of a star-forming region known as a Cone Nebula. This Nebula has been g...
Star-studded skull! NASA shares hair-raising image of Rosette Nebula taken by Chandra Observatory

Star-studded skull! NASA shares hair-raising image of Rosette Nebula taken by Chandra Observatory

[ad_1] NASA has recently shared an image of the Rosette Nebula, which at first glance resembled, of all things, a human skull! Check details here. Have you seen a star-studded image which resembles a human skull? If not, here is your chance. NASA has shared an image on its Instagram account showing a portion of the Rosette Nebula, which at first glance resembles a skull. It can be known that the Rosette Nebula has been named for its rose-shaped arrangement, and lies about 5000 light-years from Earth. Sharing the image NASA wrote, "Although this star-studded image may first resemble a skull, it is little more than a trick of the eye. Actually, this @nasachandraxray (Chandra X-ray Observatory) composite image shows a portion of the Rosette Nebula, named for its rose-shaped arrangement, ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 12 December 2022: Elephant’s Trunk Nebula shot by NASA

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 12 December 2022: Elephant’s Trunk Nebula shot by NASA

[ad_1] NASA’s astronomy picture of the day is a mesmerizing snapshot of Elephant’s Trunk Nebula. The makeup of a Nebula consists of gases, mainly hydrogen and helium. Although these gases are spread out, they can be pulled together by gravity. As they clump together, their gravity increases by such an amount that the gas cloud collapses, causing the material at the center of the core to heat up, and this is the birth of a star, according to NASA. This is why a Nebula is also called a Star Nursery.NASA releases its Astronomy picture of the day on a daily basis. December 12's image is a mesmerizing snapshot of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula. The image was captured by astronomer Bernard Miller, an Arizona based retired electronic design engineer. He captured the image with the help of his o...