Tag: Near Earth Object

Alert! NASA telescopes find colossal 910-foot asteroid heading towards Earth today

Alert! NASA telescopes find colossal 910-foot asteroid heading towards Earth today

[ad_1] A majority of asteroids can be found in the region of space situated between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. These celestial bodies follow elliptical paths around the Sun, exhibiting irregular movements and rotations. Their orbits can be influenced by the gravitational force of Jupiter and occasional close encounters with other celestial objects. Resultantly, they may be ejected from the main asteroid belt and redirected onto diverse orbits. Now, NASA reports that one of these monster rocks from the asteroid belt is rushing towards Earth.NASA telescopes have observed a stadium-sized asteroid that is already on its way to make a dangerously close approach towards Earth. This asteroid has been classified as a Potentially Hazardous Object due to its mammoth size and proximity. NASA ...
150-foot Asteroid 2023 MD2 rushing towards Earth, says NASA! Behemoth speeding at 30362 kmph

150-foot Asteroid 2023 MD2 rushing towards Earth, says NASA! Behemoth speeding at 30362 kmph

[ad_1] A new celestial visitor is set to wander into the close proximity of the Earth very soon! It is a giant 150-foot asteroid that has been tracked by the technological instruments deployed by space agencies. Is it dangerous? The United Nations report says that an asteroid that is responsible for the Tunguska event on 30 June 1908 is said to have been some 60 metres in diameter So, do only large asteroids pose a threat to Earth? This misconception has been cleared by a UN report, which explained, by taking the example of a 20 meters large asteroid that disintegrated in the skies over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk on 15 February 2013, that this is not so. As per the data revealed by the US space agency NASA, the impact of energy release was equivalent to around 440000 tons of TNT. R...
Change asteroid orbit one scoop at a time to save Earth? Forget NASA DART? Shocking answer here

Change asteroid orbit one scoop at a time to save Earth? Forget NASA DART? Shocking answer here

[ad_1] An asteroid can be a serious threat to Earth. In fact, it can be a catastrophic event based on how big it is. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to tackle the threat posed by asteroids that may crash into our planet and this can be done by finding ways to alter the asteroid's orbit and make it move away from Earth. NASA has tried that by crashing a spacecraft against an asteroid and successfully moved it from its orbit. Now, a company has come up with an ingenious solution.A California-based nonprofit organization is looking to meet this threat by designing a new asteroid deflection system that would use the space rock's own regolith to change its trajectory away from Earth. “We were looking at objects of similar size [to the Chelyabinsk asteroid that occurred in 2013] that co...
390-foot wide Asteroid 2020 NC hurtling towards Earth at 27873 kmph

390-foot wide Asteroid 2020 NC hurtling towards Earth at 27873 kmph

[ad_1] In the last couple of months, several monstrous space rocks have made very close approaches to Earth. From a 700-foot to a 1600-foot giant asteroid, all have caused concern as they are big and got very close to our planet. Thankfully, despite being potentially hazardous, all of them have safely passed the Earth. But this may not be the case every time! Therefore, NASA actively scans space to detect upcoming asteroids and the danger they pose in advance.NASA says that with the help of optical telescopes, it can survey large regions of the sky and detect light from the Sun that is reflected by an object, depending on its size and surface brightness. However, ground-based radar can more precisely track and determine the orbits of asteroids discovered by optical telescopes. It finds ...
NASA’s NEOWISE spacecraft detects 130-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth

NASA’s NEOWISE spacecraft detects 130-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth

[ad_1] A wide array of NASA's technological instruments such as telescopes, ground-based observatories and satellites are contsntly deployed for the potential threat of upcoming asteroids. NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) monitors all near-Earth objects (NEOs), while NEOWISE spacecraft locate potential threats. Notably, NASA's WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) spacecraft was an infrared-wavelength astronomical space telescope, but it was repurposed in 2013 and it got a new mission and was renamed as NEOWISE. The new misison was to help find near-Earth asteroids and comets.NEOWISE has now detected a giant asteroid named 2023 MB6, which is rushing towards Earth and is anticipated to pass in close proximity. This asteroid is scheduled to approach Earth today, Ju...
120-foot asteroid racing towards Earth at 63986 kmph today, NASA says

120-foot asteroid racing towards Earth at 63986 kmph today, NASA says

[ad_1] A colossal asteroid is currently on its way towards Earth, and the alarming part is that it is expected to come dangerously close! As per the information from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, three asteroids are scheduled to make their closest approach to Earth today. Among them is a massive asteroid named 2023 MF1, measuring 120 feet in size. This gigantic space rock is hurtling towards Earth and will pass exceptionally close today, June 25th. Is there cause for concern regarding this upcoming colossal asteroid? Know what NASA said.Danger of asteroid 2023 MF1As per the NASA asteroid tracking data, Asteroid 2023 MF1 will come very close to the Earth today, June 25. It will come as close as 1.2 million miles and it will be travelling at a fearsome speed of 63986 kmph. The asteroi...
Colossal asteroid rushing towards Earth today at great pace, NASA warns

Colossal asteroid rushing towards Earth today at great pace, NASA warns

[ad_1] The presence of asteroids has always raised concerns as they have the potential to collide with our planet, causing substantial damage. Notably, most of these asteroids reside in space between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars. The asteroids orbit the Sun in elliptical paths, they also rotate and move erratically. The gravity of Jupiter and occasional close encounters with other celestial bodies can alter their trajectories, causing them to be ejected from the main asteroid belt and flung into various orbits, including those of other planets like Earth.In order to detect the risk of impact and minimize potential harm, NASA and other space agencies diligently monitor any Potentially Hazardous Objects, including asteroids. Now, a colossal asteroid is all set to make its cl...
NASA alert! 110-foot asteroid 2023 LV moving at a blazing pace towards Earth today

NASA alert! 110-foot asteroid 2023 LV moving at a blazing pace towards Earth today

[ad_1] Asteroid 2023 LE2 passed between Earth and Moon yesterday at an uncomfortably close distance. Thankfully, it safely passed the Earth. However, Earth may not be in luck every time! Due to the immense destructive potential of asteroids, space agencies like NASA monitor asteroids to ensure the safety of our planet. While most asteroids reside in the asteroid belt, some undergo changes in their orbital paths. However, their movements are far from predictable as these monster rocks display irregular rotation and erratic motion.The influence of Jupiter's gravitational force and occasional interactions with other celestial objects play significant roles in disrupting asteroid trajectories. These disturbances can lead to asteroids being ejected from the main asteroid belt. In some cases,...
590-foot asteroid approaching at fiery 59465 kmph, NASA warns

590-foot asteroid approaching at fiery 59465 kmph, NASA warns

[ad_1] Asteroids have always been a major concern for our planet! An example of a catastrophic event is the Chicxulub impact, which took place roughly 66 million years ago. This colossal asteroid, with an estimated diameter of about 10 kilometers, collided with Earth, resulting in an explosive release of energy. The impact caused extensive destruction, triggering a mass extinction event that resulted in the demise of the dinosaurs and several other species. Due to the possibility of another devastating impact, it becomes crucial to track these monster rocks.NASA uses various technologies, such as telescopes and satellites, both on Earth and in space, to monitor these asteroids. Planetary radar, conducted by radio telescopes at NASA's Deep Space Network and the National Science Foundatio...
110-foot Asteroid 2023 LL speeding at 49095 kmph towards Earth, NASA data shows

110-foot Asteroid 2023 LL speeding at 49095 kmph towards Earth, NASA data shows

[ad_1] A majority of asteroids come from the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter after they are dislodged from their original orbit. These asteroids exhibit an elliptical orbit and often have erratic rotations, tumbling through space. Can these monster rocks strike planets? NASA says that the gravitational forces exerted by the planets in our solar system can influence their trajectory, causing them to move unpredictably toward the inner solar system, including Earth. To monitor these dangerous asteroids, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory maintains constant watch.Currently, NASA has raised concerns about an asteroid that is hurtling toward Earth, and it is anticipated to pass dangerously close. The asteroid in question is named 2023 LL, measuring 110-foot in diameter, and NASA...