Tag: nasa Supernova

In a first, IXPE telescope has revealed Supernova secrets, says NASA

In a first, IXPE telescope has revealed Supernova secrets, says NASA

[ad_1] Supernova's have been some of the most spectacular space events ever to happen in the Universe. They are massive in nature and even more amazing in terms of their gigantic nature. Now, in a groundbreaking discovery, NASA's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) telescope has unveiled the mysteries shrouding the historic supernova remnant, SN 1006. The telescope's first-of-its-kind polarized X-ray images have illuminated the enigmatic connection between magnetic fields and the flow of high-energy particles from exploding stars.Dr. Ping Zhou, an astrophysicist at Nanjing University in Jiangsu, China, and the lead author of a paper recently published in The Astrophysical Journal, expressed his excitement about the findings. He stated, “Magnetic fields are extremely difficult to m...
NASA’s James Webb Telescope reveals a sight to behold – a Supernova remnant

NASA’s James Webb Telescope reveals a sight to behold – a Supernova remnant

[ad_1] NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has imaged the SN 1987A, a distant supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 168,000 light-years away. Webb Telescope's NIRCam has uncovered intricate structures, outshining prior observations. With international collaboration from NASA, ESA, and the Canadian Space Agency, Webb aims to unravel cosmic mysteries using high-resolution imagery. Check out the highlights below: 1. SN 1987A, discovered in 1987, has been a subject of intensive research spanning nearly four decades, examined across various wavelengths from gamma rays to radio waves. 2. The James Webb Space Telescope's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) has recently provided valuable insights into the evolution of supernovae and their remnants. 3. A notable discovery is a dense, keyhol...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 1 June 2023: Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 1 June 2023: Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A

[ad_1] Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a snapshot of Cassiopeia A, a supernova remnant located about 11000 light-years from Earth towards the constellation of Cassiopeia. When a star explodes, the subsequent explosion which takes place, known as a Supernova, is the largest explosion to occur in space. According to NASA, a supernova happens when there is a change in the core, or center, of a star. A change can occur in two different ways, with both resulting in a supernova.Although a supernova occurs for only a short span of time, it can tell scientists a lot about the universe. By studying supernovas, scientists have also shed light on the fact that we're living in an ever-expanding universe. Tech used to capture the imageThe picture was captured by the Chandra X-ray Observ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 22 May 2023: Supernova snapped by astrophotographer

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 22 May 2023: Supernova snapped by astrophotographer

[ad_1] The universe contains an astonishing number of stars, estimated to be around 200 billion trillion. There are at least 100 billion stars within our own Milky Way Galaxy, while the entire universe harbours over 100 billion galaxies. When a star explodes, the subsequent explosion which takes place, known as a Supernova, is the largest explosion to occur in space. According to NASA, a supernova happens when there is a change in the core, or center, of a star. A change can occur in two different ways, with both resulting in a supernova. Just days ago, a supernova was discovered located near a spiral galaxy.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a snapshot of the supernova SN 2023ixf located near the M101 spiral galaxy. This supernova was discovered by Japanese astronomer Koichi ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 24 April 2023: What Star Death left behind-a Supernova

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 24 April 2023: What Star Death left behind-a Supernova

[ad_1] When a star explodes during its death throes, it is known as a Supernova and it is the largest explosion to occur in space. According to NASA, a supernova happens where there is a change in the core, or center, of a star. A change can occur in two different ways, with both resulting in a supernova. Although a supernova occurs for only a short span of time, it can tell scientists a lot about the universe. By studying supernovas, scientists have also shed light on the fact that we're living in an ever-expanding universe.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is CTB-1, also known as the Medulla Nebula Supernova Remnant. It is a rare cosmic bubble and the remnant of a supernova explosion which occurred just 10000 years ago, according to NASA. The Medulla Nebula Supernova Remnant i...
NASA Webb telescope captures star on cusp of death

NASA Webb telescope captures star on cusp of death

[ad_1] The Webb Space Telescope has captured the rare and fleeting phase of a star on the cusp of death.NASA released the picture Tuesday at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas. The observation was among the first made by Webb following its launch in late 2021. Its infrared eyes observed all the gas and dust flung into space by a huge, hot star 15,000 light-years away. A light-year is about 5.8 trillion miles. Shimmering in purple like a cherry blossom, the cast-off material once comprised the star's outer layer. The Hubble Space Telescope snapped a shot of the same transitioning star a few decades ago, but it appeared more like a fireball without the delicate details.Such a transformation occurs only with some stars and normally is the last step before they explode, goi...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 3 March 2023: Awesome ancient Supernova

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 3 March 2023: Awesome ancient Supernova

[ad_1] The explosion of a star, known as a Supernova explosion, is the largest explosion which occurs in space. But why does it happen? According to NASA, a supernova happens where there is a change in the core, or center, of a star. A change can occur in two different ways, with both resulting in a supernova. Although a supernova occurs for only a short span of time, it can tell scientists a lot about the universe. By studying supernovas, scientists have also shed light on the fact that we're living in an ever-expanding universe.After the supernova explosion, its remnants are left behind, which are known as Supernova Remnants (SNR). NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is an extremely rare and historical snapshot of Supernova Remnant RCW 86 which spans around 100 light-years and is loc...
Fascinating! NASA captures mesmerizing Supernova remains, leaves netizens in awe

Fascinating! NASA captures mesmerizing Supernova remains, leaves netizens in awe

[ad_1] A mesmerizing image of Supernova remains was shared by NASA. Have a look here. NASA has left netizens stunned with a mesmerizing new image of the remains of a Supernova. NASA said, "Our Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory telescope and several other X-ray telescopes observed one of the most extreme rotating neutron stars or pulsars – ever detected in 2016." NASA took to its Instagram account to share the image. NASA says that its spin period is around thousands of times longer than any other pulsar that has ever been observed. NASA added, "Swift Observatory helps detect gamma-ray bursts – large gamma radiation pulses which form when a massive star collapses, creating a black hole – using optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray light."The composite image shared by NASA shows the remains of a...