Tag: nasa sunspot

NASA detects massive sunspot that can trigger extreme solar storm activity

NASA detects massive sunspot that can trigger extreme solar storm activity

[ad_1] If you've been curious about the recent surge in solar activity, it's important to understand that scientists have forecast the upcoming peak of the current solar cycle for mid-2025. This peak, referred to as the Solar Maximum, signifies the period when solar activity reaches its zenith within the 12-year cycle. This also explains the occurrence of two distinct solar flare events in the last 24 hours, both of which resulted in radio blackouts on Earth. And now, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has spotted a troublesome sunspot with a strong delta charge that can explode anytime and hurl an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) to spark intense solar storm activity.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “There is a sunspot now facing Earth with multiple poles mixed...
MASSIVE solar flare blasts out high-speed CME, NASA satellite shows; Solar storm set to strike soon

MASSIVE solar flare blasts out high-speed CME, NASA satellite shows; Solar storm set to strike soon

[ad_1] The Earth just experienced a minor solar storm yesterday, July 17, that sparked aurora displays at some locations in high-latitude areas. But just as soon as this solar activity subsided, another, bigger problem arrived. In the early hours today, July 18, a big M6-class solar flare erupted on the unstable region of AR3363 on the Sun, as detected by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory. Researchers believe this solar flare is more dangerous than X-class flares due to the long duration of the event. It has also released a large coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud, that is moving at a high speed. There is a possibility that it can hit the Earth and spark a major solar storm activity.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Big sunspot AR3363 just produced a major M6-class explosion ...
CME attack threatens Earth with DANGEROUS solar storm, shows NASA SOHO; 1-2 punch likely

CME attack threatens Earth with DANGEROUS solar storm, shows NASA SOHO; 1-2 punch likely

[ad_1] After an amazing sunspot-filled June, July appears set to continue the trend of extreme solar volatility. We have already seen a radio blackout this month after a solar flare erupted on the notorious sunspot AR3554. Now, two separate coronal mass ejections (CME) have been released from the Sun and they are both partly Earth-directed, as per data from NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. This means that both will graze the Earth and spark solar storm events. And to make matters worse, it is expected that the second CME will catch up to the first, delivering two successive CME hits and amplifying the overall intensity of the solar storm.Dr. Tamitha Skov, a space weather physicist, said in a tweet, “Our #Sun celebrates #July4 with its own special fireworks! We have two partly ...
Sunspot grows 5X the size of Earth! Solar storm fears rise, reveals NASA Observatory

Sunspot grows 5X the size of Earth! Solar storm fears rise, reveals NASA Observatory

[ad_1] In case you have been wondering why solar activity has increased exponentially over the last few months, you should know that scientists have predicted that the peak of the current solar cycle will arrive by the middle of 2025. The peak, also known as Solar Maximum, is the phase when the solar activity is at its highest in the 12-year period of the cycle. That's why we saw two separate solar flare incidents last week, both of which triggered a radio blackout on Earth. And now, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has spotted a troublesome sunspot that has grown exponentially to reach 5 times the width of the Earth in just 24 hours. It is bustling with unstable delta-class energy and can explode sparking tremendous solar storms towards the Earth.According to a report by SpaceWe...
Sun BLASTS another solar flare at Earth; Know the geomagnetic storm warning

Sun BLASTS another solar flare at Earth; Know the geomagnetic storm warning

[ad_1] We are yet to receive an update on the incoming CME cloud that is supposed to deliver a glancing blow to the Earth today. But in the meantime, reports of another solar flare eruption have raised concerns among researchers. This particular solar flare was produced on sunspot AR3341 on June 23, the same region that was responsible for the X1-class flare that sparked a massive short-wave radio blackout on June 20. While yesterday's flare has not sparked a blackout, it now remains to be seen if this can cause a geomagnetic storm on Earth.Space weather physicist Dr. Tamitha Skov, who is also popularly known as space weather woman, mentioned in her forecast, “This week our Sun really kicks things into high gear with Region 3341 firing an X1.1-flare, an M4.9-flare, and launching two nea...
New volatile sunspot grows 4 times bigger than the Earth; Will it unleash a solar storm?

New volatile sunspot grows 4 times bigger than the Earth; Will it unleash a solar storm?

[ad_1] As astronomers continue to monitor the sunspot AR3311 for any signs of eruption, a new sunspot is making a mark on the Sun. This new sunspot was practically invisible to the telescopes of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). But in just 24 hours, it has grown as big as four Earths combined! This exponential growth is also due to the huge amount of unstable magnetic field it harbors within itself. Scientists had been expecting an X-class solar flare and a resultant solar storm from the existing sunspot, and the addition of this new one will complicate the situation.According to a SpaceWeather.com report, “Yesterday, sunspot AR3315 was almost invisible. Today it is four times wider than Earth. The fast-growing sunspot is breaching the surface of the ...
Solar storm threat increases as MASSIVE sunspot faces Earth, NASA satellite shows

Solar storm threat increases as MASSIVE sunspot faces Earth, NASA satellite shows

[ad_1] Last weekend, the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite detected that a massive sunspot lurked on the farside of the Sun which was big enough to change the way the Sun vibrates. On its way to turning and facing the Earth, it exploded on Tuesday and released a nearly X-class solar flare that sparked radio blackouts in North America. Now, the gigantic sunspot is finally facing the Earth and researchers are concerned about the possibility of yet another major solar storm spell.As per a SpaceWeather.com report, “The source of Monday's partially-eclipsed X-flare is emerging into full view. It is a large sunspot, some 3 times wider than Earth, and is surrounded by a bright froth of magnetic turbulence. Since May 16th, it has been relatively quiet--gathering strength ...
Weird threat! NASA detects Ring-shaped sunspot; Solar storm fears rise for Earth

Weird threat! NASA detects Ring-shaped sunspot; Solar storm fears rise for Earth

[ad_1] Earlier, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had revealed that as many as four sunspots have been detected on the Earth-facing side of the Sun, among which one was likely to erupt a C1-class solar flare and eject it towards our planet. However, in the last 24 hours, the situation has far worsened. The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has detected an unusual sunspot group which is shaped like a ring. The sunspot group has grown more than ten times in the last 24 hours and has now created a big concern about incoming solar storms in coming days.The development was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted in its website, “A new sunspot is materializing in the sun's southern hemisphere. The unusual ring-shaped 'spot has increased 10-fold in size since yesterday a...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 22 February 2023: Sun trouble for Earth

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 22 February 2023: Sun trouble for Earth

[ad_1] The Sun's Solar cycle 25 commenced in 2019, and it is anticipated to reach its zenith in July 2025. This is the primary cause of the Sun's recent outbursts. Flares, prominences, sunspots, coronal mass ejections are the common harbingers of solar activity, as are plages and other related phenomena seen at other wavelengths. Unfortunately, the Earth is in for a challenging period. A G5-class solar storm, which is the horrendously powerful, striking the Earth can lead to the damage to satellites, interference in wireless communications like internet, mobile phone network and GPS, as well as power grid failures. Terrifyingly, it can even disrupt electronics such as pacemakers.NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a snapshot of the rising activity on the surface of the Sun. This ima...
Solar storm threat looms as NASA detects sunspots on the far side of the Sun

Solar storm threat looms as NASA detects sunspots on the far side of the Sun

[ad_1] In the last ten days, the Earth has only suffered one minor solar storm. All the sunspots on the Earth-facing solar disk, which reached as many as 12 at a point, have also disappeared and our planet is enjoying a brief period of calm. But there is a possibility that it is just the calm before the storm! NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has detected two groups of sunspots on the farside of the Sun. As these sunspots slowly turn to face the Earth, there are fears among astronomers that the Earth can again see a phase of high solar activity like it experienced in the first two weeks of January.The incident was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted on its website, “Two large sunspot groups are transiting the farside of the sun. We know because NASA's Solar Dynamics Observato...