Tag: NASA solar flares

Sunspot unleashes M-Class Solar Flares; Big crack found in Earth’s magnetic field

Sunspot unleashes M-Class Solar Flares; Big crack found in Earth’s magnetic field

[ad_1] The Sun has become quite violent due to its Solar Cycle 29. Therefore, Earth is in for a rough ride until then. Just days after volatile solar activity caused radio blackouts over North and South America due to an unstable Sunspot, NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has observed another new Sunspot which is hurling out dangerous M-Class Solar Flares, as reported by spaceweather.com.According to the report, a new Sunspot on the solar surface has been observed. The Sunspot, called AR3242 is hurling out dangerous M-Class Solar Flares. M-class flares are medium-sized flares, but they can cause brief radio blackouts. The new Sunspot was observed by David Leong in Singapore who pointed the telescope at the solar surface and saw an explosion. Leong told spaceweather.com, “AR3242 was...
NASA can now predict solar flares!

NASA can now predict solar flares!

[ad_1] Solar flares can be very dangerous for the power grid, satellites, even mobile phones. How dangerous a flare can be depends on how powerful it is. If a warning is received by NASA and other space agencies on time, the impact on Earth and humanity can be lessened. Now, NASA has got a solution for the same. Yes, NASA has said that it can predict Solar Flares. Scientists can now predict when and where the Sun's next flare might explode. The crucial role is that of Sun "Flashes".Notably, Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy. As per NASA, solar flares are our solar system's largest explosive events and are seen as bright areas on the sun and they can last from minutes to hours. Flares and solar eruptions can impact radio communications, electric power grids, navigation signals,...
Breakthrough! Now, solar flares can be predicted, says NASA

Breakthrough! Now, solar flares can be predicted, says NASA

[ad_1] The volatile Sun has been sparking solar storms on Earth on a regular basis courtesy solar flares, CME, solar wind and more. If powerful enough, these can be very dangerous for the power grid, satellites, even mobile phones. The volatile Sun has been sparking solar storms on Earth on a regular basis courtesy solar flares, CME, solar wind and more. If powerful enough, these can be very dangerous for the power grid, satellites, even mobile phones. If a warning is received by NASA and other space agencies on time, the impact on Erath and humanity can be lessened. Now, there has been a breakthrough as NASA says Solar Flares can be predicted and this means timely action can be taken to mitigate the impact. Scientists can now predict when and where the Sun's next flare mig...