Tag: nasa m class solar flare

Sunspot could hurl out X-class solar flares! Geomagnetic storm on the cards

Sunspot could hurl out X-class solar flares! Geomagnetic storm on the cards

[ad_1] Just 5 months into 2023, we have already witnessed damaging solar activity bombard the Earth. Just last month, a menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck the planet and unleashed a horrifying solar storm. This was later declared the most devastating solar storm in 6 years. It was quite surprising and unexpected. Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle.Now, a sunspot has been discovered on the solar surface that has the potential to release dangerous solar flares. Danger of solar flaresAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, forecasters at the National Oceanic and ...
Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

[ad_1] The possibility of the Sun causing catastrophic damage on Earth might seem something out of a science-fiction film, but this threat is very true. One of the best examples of Solar activity harming Earth was provided by the Roland Emmerich film 2012. It depicted the apocalypse prophesied by the Mayans many centuries ago. The storyline of the movie revolved around the Sun emitting unstable neutrinos because of anomalous energy processes, which were causing the Earth's core to heat up and eventually lead to its destruction. Although the ‘science' part of the film was a bit over the top, the threat posed by the Sun could cause significant damage on Earth, and a recent solar flare impact gave us a hint of the Sun's mighty power. Solar flare impactAccording to a report by spaceweather...
Sunspot could unleash terrifying X-class solar flares! Solar storm on the cards too?

Sunspot could unleash terrifying X-class solar flares! Solar storm on the cards too?

[ad_1] Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Just last month, a menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck the planet and unleashed a horrifying solar storm that caught everyone off guard. This was later declared the most devastating solar storm in 6 years.Now, forecasters have discovered a sunspot on the solar surface which could hurl dangerous solar flares. Solar flare riskAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has observed a sunspot, named AR3288, which could unleash dangerous solar energy. This sunspot is dangerous as it curr...
Dangerous sunspots could hurl out terrifying M-class solar flares at Earth!

Dangerous sunspots could hurl out terrifying M-class solar flares at Earth!

[ad_1] Remember the film 2012 which showed the end of the world, as predicted by the ancient Mayan civilisation thousands of years ago? The film's plot was based on the Sun releasing unstable neutrinos due to unusual energy processes in the Sun which were heating up Earth's core. Although this might seem like a terrifying scenario, the science behind the film was questionable. But the threat posed by the Sun is very true. Forecasters have recently discovered multiple sunspots on the solar surface which could hurl dangerous solar flares towards Earth.Solar flare riskAccording to a report by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), multiple sunspots, named AR3280 and AR3281, have been observed in the solar regions. These sunspots are dangerous as they currently have unstable 'beta-gamma' ...