Tag: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 16 June 2023

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 16 June 2023: Aurora – From sunset to sunrise

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 16 June 2023: Aurora – From sunset to sunrise

[ad_1] It's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) birthday! It was first launched on June 16, 1995 by Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell. With a vast collection of astronomical images, the APOD archive stands as the largest repository of its kind on the internet, NASA says. Each day NASA features a different picture of some part of our fascinating universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.Today's NASA astronomy photo of the day features a timelapse from sunset to sunrise with an aurora. A breathtaking view from the coast of Sweden's coastline gazes over the Baltic Sea, capturing the essence of time within a single photograph. Within this image, an entire night unfolds! From sunset to sunrise, the moon's radiance illuminates the sea and skyscape alon...