Tag: NASA alert

Asteroid watch: NASA reveals dangerous asteroid rushing towards Earth today

Asteroid watch: NASA reveals dangerous asteroid rushing towards Earth today

[ad_1] Danger! Asteroid speeding towards the planet today, NASA has revealed. NASA keeps a watch on asteroids by studying data collected by various telescopes and observatories such as the Pan-STARRS, the Catalina Sky Survey and the NEOWISE telescope. With the help of its various telescopes, the space agency has discovered a huge asteroid heading dangerously towards Earth today. This particular asteroid has caused created hug worries for space agencies as it was discovered just 3 days ago on October 16.The asteroid has been classified as a potentially hazardous due to the close proximity of its encounter with Earth. Here's what you need to know about this asteroid.Asteroid 2022 UE key detailsThe asteroid, named Asteroid 2022 UE, is already on its way towards the planet. This 54-foot s...
Asteroid warning AGAIN! Earth-threatening space rock spotted by NASA

Asteroid warning AGAIN! Earth-threatening space rock spotted by NASA

[ad_1] NASA has alerted that a massive asteroid has been spotted hurtling towards the planet. Earth in peril? Nearly 100 tons of dust-sized particles are bombarded towards Earth every day. Once a year, a vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creating a giant fireball although it burns up before reaching the surface. According to NASA, every 2000 years, an asteroid the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage to the area. If you're wondering about planet-killing asteroids, they come along only once every few million years. NASA has warned that an asteroid is headed for Earth.Asteroid 2013 SL20 key detailsNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an alert against an asteroid named Asteroid 2013 SL20. The 140 feet wide asteroid is expected...
NASA asteroid warning! Plane-sized asteroid headed for Earth today, 10-10-2022

NASA asteroid warning! Plane-sized asteroid headed for Earth today, 10-10-2022

[ad_1] NASA has issued a warning against an asteroid today. Does this space rock pose any danger to Earth? The months of August and September have witnessed nearly 35 asteroid flybys each and October is set to match, if not surpass, that number. Two asteroids passed by the planet at extremely close distances just yesterday and NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has warned that two more asteroids are set for close approaches with Earth today. One of them is nearly as big as an aircraft and is hurtling towards the planet at dangerous speed. Here's what NASA said about the asteroid.Asteroid 2022 SE10NASA has warned that an asteroid named 2022 SE10 is hurtling towards Earth today, October 10. The asteroid is nearly 89 feet wide, which is almost the size of a commercial aircraft!...
NASA alert: Speedy 130-foot asteroid on its way towards Earth! Danger looming?

NASA alert: Speedy 130-foot asteroid on its way towards Earth! Danger looming?

[ad_1] Could this space rock which is headed for Earth be a danger? Here’s what NASA says about this asteroid. NASA recently conducted its first planetary defense test against potential world-killing asteroids. Named the Double Asteroid Detection Test or DART test, the mission's aim was to smash a spacecraft into the Dimorphos asteroid to deflect it away from its path. Although this test was successful, it is yet not known whether the asteroid was actually deflected. So, the Earth is not yet safe from asteroid impact. In fact, a huge asteroid is already on its way towards Earth, NASA has warned.Asteroid 2022 SU21 key detailsNASA has warned that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 SU21 is headed for Earth and is expected to fly closely past the planet tomorrow, October 7. It will make its ...
Asteroid today: Terrifying space rock hurtling towards Earth! Clocked at 51696 kmph

Asteroid today: Terrifying space rock hurtling towards Earth! Clocked at 51696 kmph

[ad_1] Alert! A huge asteroid is speeding towards Earth and will come close to Earth today. Will it impact the planet? Asteroid flybys have been a common occurrence these past few weeks. Three asteroids passed by Earth very closely yesterday alone, making it one of the most frequent asteroid flyby days we have had this month. In case you didn't know, Asteroids are Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) which are often found orbiting the Sun in the main asteroid belt near Jupiter. NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office keeps an eye on these space rocks for any potential trip to Earth and possible impact. Now, NASA has warned that another asteroid is heading our way.Asteroid 2022 TJ6 speeding towards EarthAsteroid 2022 TJ6 is different from other asteroids as it belongs to the Amor group of as...
NASA alert! Planet-killer 93-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth today; SHOCKING discovery

NASA alert! Planet-killer 93-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth today; SHOCKING discovery

[ad_1] Will this asteroid impact the planet and cause global catastrophe? Here’s what NASA says about this scary space rock. Earth has been in the firing line of various space phenomena these past couple of weeks including solar storms and asteroids. On the planet itself hurricanes have been relentless causing serious damage. While asteroids have not caused any damage, but they have been a constant threat as more than 40 asteroids have flown by Earth at very close quarters in the last month alone. Now, NASA has warned that another asteroid, a 92-foot monster, is on its way and it could be a potential planet-killer. Shockingly, it was discovered 2 days ago on October 2!Key details about Asteroid 2022 TFNASA's Planetary Defense...
Asteroid today: Terrifying space rock heading for Earth at 82332 kmph

Asteroid today: Terrifying space rock heading for Earth at 82332 kmph

[ad_1] An asteroid three times as fast as a hypersonic missile has been observed heading for Earth today. Know what NASA said. Nasa defines asteroids as rocky, airless remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Most of them can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter within the main asteroid belt. Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes, with the largest being nearly 530 kilometers in diameter called Vesta. Earth is being bombarded with asteroids this year. In this month alone there have already been more than nearly 30 asteroid flybys. Now, another asteroid is on its way, NASA has warned.Asteroid 2022 SD10 heading for Earth at dangerous speedA 40 feet wide asteroid ...
Asteroid watch: Phew! Asteroid with huge destructive potential just hurtled past Earth today

Asteroid watch: Phew! Asteroid with huge destructive potential just hurtled past Earth today

[ad_1] NASA informed that an asteroid which has the potential to cause mass destruction just flew close past Earth today. Did it cause any damage? Nearly 100 tons of space dust and sand sized particles hit Earth every day, according to NASA. Astonishingly, a vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creates an impressive fireball, and burns up before reaching the surface nearly once every year. However, this year has been unusual. There have been numerous close calls with asteroids as large as an aircraft. Although only once every few million years, a space rock large enough to annihilate the planet comes along. Impact craters on Earth and other planets are signs of such previous encounters.Asteroid 2022 QH8 hurtled pas...
NASA warns AGAIN! Hazardous asteroid heading for Earth today

NASA warns AGAIN! Hazardous asteroid heading for Earth today

[ad_1] Alert! This hazardous asteroid is heading for our planet today. Here’s what NASA said about this asteroid. Amidst high solar activity these past few weeks, another asteroid is headed for us. NASA has issued a warning for the asteroid that is expected to pass by Earth closely today, September 22. We are in the third week of September and there have already been more than 15 asteroid flybys already. August witnessed more than 40 asteroids flying closely past Earth and the month of September seems to achieve those figures, if not exceed them.Asteroid 2022 ST1 to just miss Earth tomorrowNASA has warned that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 ST1 is heading for Earth and is expected to pass by the planet closely today, Septemb...
Asteroid today: 100-foot Planet-killer space rock hurtling towards Earth! NASA alerts

Asteroid today: 100-foot Planet-killer space rock hurtling towards Earth! NASA alerts

[ad_1] NASA has issued an asteroid warning against a huge asteroid which is hurtling towards the planet. Know what the space agency said. Another day another asteroid heading for Earth, it has been the story of this month so far. 5 asteroids have passed by Earth closely within the last two days and now NASA has issued an alert that one more is already on its way. Asteroids are Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) which are often found orbiting the Sun in the main asteroid belt near Jupiter. Asteroids are the most common NEOs which come near the Earth's orbit. Most of them burn up and disintegrate before reaching the planet but some can still pass through.Asteroid 2022 SK1 hurtling towards Earth todayAsteroid 2020 SK1 is part of the Apol...