Tag: moon’s south polar region

Chandrayaan-3’s Moon landing in 3 Days: India aims to make lunar history

Chandrayaan-3’s Moon landing in 3 Days: India aims to make lunar history

[ad_1] India's Chandrayaan-3 mission is gearing up for its first-ever soft landing on the Moon in just three days. Over the weekend, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) shared exciting news about the successful completion of the mission's second and final deboosting operation. After a few more checks, the module will begin its powered descent on August 23.Crucial Milestone AchievedChandrayaan-3's Vikram lander module, part of India's third lunar exploration, achieved this critical milestone in its journey that began on July 14. The lander, named Vikram, is now in an orbit where its closest point to the Moon is 25 kilometers, and the farthest is 134 kilometers. It's from this orbit that it will attempt a gentle landing in the uncharted south polar region of the Moon on Wednesda...