Monday, March 10

Tag: linkedin post

Viral Controversial Tweet About Lunch Breaks At Office Starts Up Debate

Viral Controversial Tweet About Lunch Breaks At Office Starts Up Debate

[ad_1] After working from home for an extended duration, adjusting to a regular office has been a task. A number of aspects of our work life had changed while working from home that are now again realigning in the context of the new workspace. Lunchtime, for instance, became a distant reality as back-to-back meetings and assignments were added to our schedules. Recently, a food delivery application, named Just Eat, decided to make a return to the old format of having a lunch hour in order to encourage employees to take a break from their busy schedules. Take a look at the tweet here:JustEat invented lunch breaks and thought it was groundbreaking— The State of LinkedIn (@StateOfLinkedIn) August 7, 2023Also Read: Burger Chain Renames Food On Its Menu, Disguises I...
Boy Cleaning Delhi Metro Floor After Spilling Food Wins Praises

Boy Cleaning Delhi Metro Floor After Spilling Food Wins Praises

[ad_1] Etiquette and mannerisms are associated with food, whether you are eating inside your home, or carrying your food outside. Do you see people leaving their tables at a restaurant in chaos, or find empty food wrappers in the middle of the street? Sometimes people accidentally drop their food and don't even care enough to pick it up and throw it in a bin. These acts leave us in utter disgust, but a young boy is all set to leave precedence for all. The boy set an example by cleaning up after his food mess without having anyone else ask him to do so.A post by one Ashu Singh on LinkedIn shows a boy cleaning the floor of a Delhi Metro rail after his tiffin box fell out of his bag and spilt food accidentally. The post reveals that the boy was taking out his water bottle from the bag but h...
Wait, What? Man Cooks In Coffee Machine To Save Company Money, Divides Twitter

Wait, What? Man Cooks In Coffee Machine To Save Company Money, Divides Twitter

[ad_1] Social media is filled with many posts and stories that inspire and motivate us. Platforms like LinkedIn, especially, have many professional journeys and stories to learn from. However, one recent post on LinkedIn has left internet users divided. A man named Alexander Cohen from Austin, Texas took to the professional social media network to share about the time when he saved his company some money. He spoke about the time when he cooked his chicken in a coffee machine to save his company's expenses while travelling for work. The post went viral all over social media and was even posted by Cohen on Twitter. Take a look:This is my best LinkedIn post to date— Alex Cohen (@anothercohen) September 1, 2022(Also Read: Chef Cooks Delicious Food With Hotel Applia...