Tag: Life beyond Earth

Aliens: Do they exist? NASA scientist replies

Aliens: Do they exist? NASA scientist replies

[ad_1] Do you think that aliens exist? Scientists are in constant search of another form of life beyond Earth in the solar system and much beyond. From radio communications to even spacecraft, NASA has deployed a number of missions to find that out. However, nothing factual has ever emerged. Nevertheless, there are multiple theories about the existence of aliens and people are curious and want to know about whether they exist or are merely a figment of our imagination. If you too are interested in knowing what NASA scientists think about the exitence of extraterrestrial life, then just read on.Extraterrestrial lifeNASA says that extraterrestrial life has not been discovered, but that does not rule out its existence. NASA's astrobiologis Lindsay Hays says, "We are dedicated to exploring ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 21 May 2023: An alien-like animal!

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 21 May 2023: An alien-like animal!

[ad_1] The idea of the presence of aliens has always fascinated humans! From sci-fi movie plots revolving around aliens to scientific studies to find life beyond Earth have always kept the excitement alive. The existence of aliens is a captivating question that has intrigued NASA scientists too for a long time. Although, scientists haven't found life on other planets or obtained scientific evidence supporting the existence of extraterrestrial life, NASA is still actively looking for evidence. Meanwhile, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 21st May has shared an intriguing image of a Tardigrade animal in Moss. Is this an alien? You must be thinking! But as mentioned earlier, there is no proof of aliens so far. But for all the animals on Earth, the tardigrade might be the best candidate for...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 20 May 2023: STUNNING view of Jupiter’s Moon Europa

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 20 May 2023: STUNNING view of Jupiter’s Moon Europa

[ad_1] Jupiter is the second planet in our solar system with the most number of moons at 95! Among these, the smallest of Jupiter's four Galilean moons is Europa which is the sixth closest to the planet. Europa is said to be about 90 percent the size of Earth's Moon! If we were to replace our Moon with Europa, it would have a similar apparent size in the sky, but it would be significantly brighter, NASA explains. This is because Europa's surface is composed of water ice that reflects approximately 5.5 times more sunlight than our Moon does. Interestingly, Europa is a popular destination as it has been visited by several spacecraft and more missions are planned in the future. Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day even brings a stunning view of Europa by Galileo spacecraft. However, t...
Life on Mars? Research explores possibility of life beyond Earth; check out What and Where

Life on Mars? Research explores possibility of life beyond Earth; check out What and Where

[ad_1] For millennia, caves have served as shelters for prehistoric humans. Caves have also intrigued scholars from early Chinese naturalists to Charles Darwin. Do caverns on Mars harbour life?Although that's a valid question, it isn't the appropriate one right now. According to an international group of experts led by Jut Wynne, a researcher at NAU, we need to ask and answer dozens of questions. We can come back to that question after learning how to analyse caves on the Moon, Mars, and other planetary worlds. The lead author of two related studies, both of which were included in a special collection of publications on planetary caves by the Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, is Wynne, an assistant research professor of cave ecology. An interdisciplinary team of 31 scientists,...
Shocking answer! Where there is Oxygen, there is sign of LIFE?

Shocking answer! Where there is Oxygen, there is sign of LIFE?

[ad_1] A study has revealed that Oxygen may not be an ideal indication for the possibility of life on other planets. Know the reason. Oxygen is the fount of life. Shockingly, while that may be true for Earth, it may not apply on other planets! There is up to 46 percent in the crust and most probably mantle too has about the same amount, while the atmosphere has around 21 percent. Oxygen is basically the byproduct of the photosynthesis process of plants. So, if scientists find any evidence of the presence of oxygen on any exoplanet, then it indicates life beyond Earth. But the latest study shows that it is not the ideal sign of life! The latest study titled "Abiotic molecular oxygen production—Ionic pathway from sulfur dioxide," published in Science Advances, has found an abiotic so...
Wow! NASA finds water on Jupiter’s Europa moon; life possible?

Wow! NASA finds water on Jupiter’s Europa moon; life possible?

[ad_1] The latest study suggests that the presence of water on Jupiter’s Moon Europa makes it habitable. Jupiter has four Galilean moons - Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. And in a surprising development, NASA's scientists have found water on the surface of one of the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter. This study has been published in the Planetary Science Journal, which revealed that water exists on the icy crust of Europa moon of Jupiter. This also hints at the possibility of accessible liquid water bodies in the outer solar system. This also makes way for an important path of exploration of life beyond Earth.The study suggests that the water could be close to the surface of Europa at about 4 to 8 kilometers, which generally holds coldest and brittle ice. Some ...