Delhi Railway Cop Battered To Death With Rolling Pin, Minor Son Arrested
Delhi murder: The victim was a constable in the Railway Protection Force (Representational)New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Sunday detained a minor boy and charged him for allegedly killing his father over a "trivial issue". The victim, Bansi Lal, was a constable in the Railway Protection Force (RPF), police said. His son thrashed him with a rolling pin after he reached home in a drunk condition, they added."It surfaced that the dead was a dipsomaniac and on August 22, he was dropped at his house by his colleagues, namely Shesh Nath and Sanni Kumar Lamba, in an inebriated condition. On reaching home, he charged his minor son "x" over some trivial matter, abused him in filthy language and kicked him with full force," according to a police statement."As a result, he hit the wall and s...