Tag: jupiter moons

NASA’s Juno mission sheds new light on Jupiter moon Europa’s oxygen production rate

NASA’s Juno mission sheds new light on Jupiter moon Europa’s oxygen production rate

[ad_1] NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter has revealed intriguing insights into the rate of oxygen production on Europa, one of the gas giant's moons. Published in Nature Astronomy on March 4, the study indicates that the rate of oxygen production at Europa is considerably lower than previously thought. Utilizing data collected by Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) instrument, scientists estimated the production rate to be around 26 pounds (12 kilograms) per second, challenging earlier estimates ranging from a few pounds to over 2,000 pounds per second.Europa, with its potential subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust, has long fascinated researchers for its potential to harbor life-supporting conditions. The moon's location within Jupiter's radiation belts is crucial, as ...
ET Life? NASA discovers potential extraterrestrial oceans on 17 far-off exoplanets

ET Life? NASA discovers potential extraterrestrial oceans on 17 far-off exoplanets

[ad_1] In a groundbreaking study, NASA has unveiled a revelation that expands the search for extraterrestrial life. Researchers have identified 17 exoplanets positioned beyond our solar system that might boast subsurface oceans beneath their icy exteriors. The intriguing aspect lies in the possibility of periodic eruptions, resembling geysers, breaking through the frozen crusts of these distant worlds. Subsurface OceansThe research, conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, included a meticulous analysis of geyser activity on these exoplanets. Remarkably, two of these celestial bodies are within observational reach of telescopes, presenting an unprecedented opportunity to witness these icy eruptions. This discovery holds paramount significance as the subsurface ocea...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 13 June 2023: Moons crossing Great Red Spot on Jupiter

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 13 June 2023: Moons crossing Great Red Spot on Jupiter

[ad_1] Jupiter has been shocking astronomers ever since astronomer Galileo Galilei started recording its mysteries as far back as 1610. Jupiter is also known as the Gas Giant as it has a dense atmosphere of hydrogen and helium with windy clouds of ammonia. It is the fifth planet in the solar system, and it is by far the biggest one. In fact, it is twice as big as all the other planets in our solar system combined. It also has the most moons in the solar system, with 92 confirmed moons with orbits, according to International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a snapshot of Jupiter's two largest moons, Europa and Io, crossing the gas giant. With a radius of almost 1821 kilometers, Io is the third-largest of Jupiter's four Galilean moons. ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 30 April 2023: Spectacular Saturn’s Moon Helene!

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 30 April 2023: Spectacular Saturn’s Moon Helene!

[ad_1] Saturn has 83 confirmed moons! Among these, there is a Trojan moon known as Helene which is a small and faint moon. It is known as Trojan because it shares its orbit with another moon called Dione, which is hundreds of times larger than Helene. Today, NASA has shared a colourful image of Saturn's moon Helene as Astronomy Picture of the Day on April 30. In spite of its muted tones, Saturn's moon Helene remains a mystery. In 2012, the robotic Cassini spacecraft performed a close flyby of the small moon, capturing images of unparalleled precision from a distance less than that between the Earth and its moon.While sharing the image of Helene Moon, NASA has explained, "Although conventional craters and hills appear, the above image also shows terrain that appears unusually smooth and ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 26 Feb 2023: Saturn’s strange moon Iapetus

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 26 Feb 2023: Saturn’s strange moon Iapetus

[ad_1] Saturn has a total of 83 moons, ranging in size from larger than the planet Mercury – the giant moon Titan – to as small as a sports arena. Among these, the third largest moon of Saturn is Iapetus which has a mean radius of around 457 miles (736 kilometres) and a density only 1.2 times that of liquid water. But there is something strange regarding its surface! In the latest image shared by NASA as the Astronomy Picture of the Day 26 February, this moon looks like a walnut. The image was captured by the Cassini spacecraft, which was orbiting Saturn at the time of its flyby of Iapetus in late 2004.NASA said while sharing the photo, “a strange ridge that circles Saturn's moon Iapetus's equator, visible near the bottom of the featured image, makes it appear similar to a popular edib...
Shocking find! 12 new moon found circling planet Jupiter

Shocking find! 12 new moon found circling planet Jupiter

[ad_1] Did you know? Saturn used to be the planet with the most moons in the solar system. But with the latest findings of dozens of new moons, the crown has shifted to Jupiter. The giant planet previously had 80 moons and with a hefty increase of 15 percent, the new Jovian moon tally takes it to 92. Saturn has 83 confirmed moons. This has been reported by the Minor Planet Center (MPC) since December 20, which published 12 previously unreported moons of Jupiter, Sky & Telescope magazine said. More such moons may well be reported soon. All of these newly-found moons of Jupiter are small and quite farther away from Jupiter and take more than 340 days to orbit around the giant.However, Jupiter is likely to keep the crown for only a short time. "A search for objects with sizes down to ...
Nasa James Webb Space Telescope shows Jupiter’s auroras, tiny moons

Nasa James Webb Space Telescope shows Jupiter’s auroras, tiny moons

[ad_1] The world's newest and biggest space telescope is showing Jupiter as never before, auroras and all. Scientists released the shots Monday of the solar system's biggest planet. The James Webb Space Telescope took the photos in July, capturing unprecedented views of Jupiter's northern and southern lights, and swirling polar haze. Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a storm big enough to swallow Earth, stands out brightly alongside countless smaller storms. One wide-field picture is particularly dramatic, showing the faint rings around the planet, as well as two tiny moons against a glittering background of galaxies. “We've never seen Jupiter like this. It's all quite incredible,” said planetary astronomer Imke de Pater, of the University of California, Berkeley, wh...