Tag: Jobs

Spotify to Meta platforms, how companies say ‘layoffs’ without saying ‘layoffs’

Spotify to Meta platforms, how companies say ‘layoffs’ without saying ‘layoffs’

[ad_1] Have you suffered an “involuntary career event” recently? Perhaps you were a casualty of “corporate outplacing,” the unfortunate, yet ostensibly necessary result of your company “rightsizing.” Managers are running out of ways to say you no longer have a job. Layoffs in the first month of 2024 have left tens of thousands without jobs, with the tech industry alone cutting 32,000 roles. The way the bad news is delivered is more important than ever, as companies fear being canceled on social media after a poorly executed final conversation. Executives are using all kinds of euphemisms to avoid being straightforward with their employees.Harvard Business School professor Sandra Sucher said that delicate language is the result of “moral disengagement,” a harm-doer's effort to rationaliz...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: China’s BIGAI unveils Tong Tong, jobs and AI, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: China’s BIGAI unveils Tong Tong, jobs and AI, more

[ad_1] China's BIGAI unveils tong tong, world's first emotionally intelligent AI entity, echoing Iron Man's Jarvis; House of Lords urges UK ministers to protect content creators from unauthorised AI use; Bank of England Governor optimistic on AI impact, dismisses job destruction fears; Apple CEO Tim Cook confirms arrival of generative AI features 'later this year'- this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look.1. China's BIGAI unveils Tong Tong: World's first emotionally intelligent AI entity, echoing Iron Man's JarvisA China-based AI scientist creates the world's first AI entity, Tong Tong, with emotions and intellect reminiscent of Iron Man's Jarvis. Unveiled at a Beijing exhibition by the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI), Tong Tong showcases adva...
AI and jobs: Humans Still Cheaper Than Artificial Intelligence in Majority of Jobs, MIT Finds

AI and jobs: Humans Still Cheaper Than Artificial Intelligence in Majority of Jobs, MIT Finds

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence can't replace the majority of jobs right now in cost-effective ways, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found in a study that sought to address fears about AI replacing humans in a swath of industries.In one of the first in-depth probes of the viability of AI displacing labor, researchers modeled the cost attractiveness of automating various tasks in the US, concentrating on jobs where computer vision was employed — for instance, teachers and property appraisers. They found only 23% of workers, measured in terms of dollar wages, could be effectively supplanted. In other cases, because AI-assisted visual recognition is expensive to install and operate, humans did the job more economically. The adoption of AI across industries accelerated last year af...
Fight For Jobs! Young Staff Must Spend More Time In the Office Because of AI, Says PwC’s UK Boss

Fight For Jobs! Young Staff Must Spend More Time In the Office Because of AI, Says PwC’s UK Boss

[ad_1]  Junior staff should spend more time in the office to get quicker promotions, the UK boss of accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers said, as AI is poised to take on routine tasks traditionally given to younger workers.Generative AI is removing “tasks that in the past our more junior staff trained and cut their teeth on,” Kevin Ellis, the chair of PwC UK, said during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Without those tasks, “you've somehow got to get people through the career path faster,” he added. “It's a lot more face-to-face time being important and a lot more developing,” Ellis said. “So you have to get people in the office more working together.” We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join.Companies have been trying to convince staff to spend more time ...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI threatens 40% of global jobs, Urtopia unveils AI-enhanced e-bike, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI threatens 40% of global jobs, Urtopia unveils AI-enhanced e-bike, more

[ad_1] AI threatens 40% of global jobs, deepening inequality, says IMF; NASA unveils gen AI-powered tool to streamline access to vast science data; Davos survey warns geopolitics and AI to impede global economy; HCLTech and SAP join forces to propel gen AI innovation and business transformation- this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look.1. AI threatens 40% of global jobs, deepening inequality: IMFAI's ascent may jeopardise nearly 40 percent of global jobs, intensifying inequality, warns the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva urges governments to establish safety nets and retraining initiatives to counter AI's impact. Predicting heightened inequality, Georgieva calls for proactive policymaking to prevent social tensions. Advanced econom...
Adecco chief says AI will create serious concerns for jobs, but will birth new positions

Adecco chief says AI will create serious concerns for jobs, but will birth new positions

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence raises serious concerns for jobs but it will also create new positions, the head of Adecco, the world's biggest temporary staffing agency, told AFP. From meteorologists to lawyers and screenwriters, generative AI capable of creating content -- such as the chatbot ChatGPT -- could change the contours of many professions. But it will also create new positions, according to Denis Machuel, the chief executive of Zurich-based Adecco.- How will AI disrupt the world of work? -Machuel: "It's probably the largest disruption and revolution that we've seen in decades. It's going to be massive. And let's be clear, no one really knows or can really anticipate with a precise view what's going to happen in the next five years. We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join. "All ...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: LG AI agent, IBM AI chief on jobs, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: LG AI agent, IBM AI chief on jobs, more

[ad_1] Today is the second last day of the year, and many are already on their end-of-the-year vacation. But pay attention, because some really interesting developments are taking place in the world of artificial intelligence. Ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2024), LG has revealed that it will be unveiling its AI agent — a smart home hub, a robot, and a house and pet monitoring system. In other news, the global managing partner in generative AI at IBM, Matt Candy, has advised professionals that those who are capable of working with AI using language and creative thinking will have their jobs secured in this field. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.LG to unveil AI agent at CES 2024In a press release, LG revealed that it will unveil its smart home ...
Mukesh Ambani Wants Reliance To Emerge as AI Enabler in India, Be Among World’s Top 10 Conglomerates

Mukesh Ambani Wants Reliance To Emerge as AI Enabler in India, Be Among World’s Top 10 Conglomerates

[ad_1] Reliance Industries Chairman and MD, Mukesh Ambani has urged the employees of his company to accelerate artificial intelligence (AI) transformation across all businesses in 2024 to stay ahead of rivals in deploying advanced technologies. “We need to be at forefront of using data, with AI as an enabler for achieving a quantum jump in productivity and efficiency,” Ambani said. This will help the company to be at the forefront of solving “India's urgent national priorities in education, healthcare, agriculture and employment generation,” Ambani said. "Reliance can and Reliance will grow to be among the top 10 business conglomerates of the world," Ambani said, indicating his ambitions for the company and where he wanted to see it. Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. is working with the Indian...
Google to layoff 30000 staff? AI just cost these employees their jobs, says report

Google to layoff 30000 staff? AI just cost these employees their jobs, says report

[ad_1] Just ahead of Christmas, the festival of giving, Google might play the role of the Grinch and steal its employees' happiness. According to a report, as many as 30000 employees may face layoffs soon in Google and the reason behind it might shock you. It is said that the AI innovation by the company has led to those positions being surplus, so the company is planning to trim its workforce accordingly. The ad sales department of the company will be restructured during the reported layoffs.According to a report by Live Mint, which quoted The Information, many job roles in Google's ad sales department are becoming redundant after Google introduced new AI tools. These AI tools can give suggestions as well as create ads for its clients that have the capability of performing well. These ...
ISRO jobs: Know how to apply online for ISRO technician posts

ISRO jobs: Know how to apply online for ISRO technician posts

[ad_1] Have you ever dreamt of working with the prestigious Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)? How exciting it would be if you could be a part of various space missions in India like the upcoming Chandrayaan-4 and Gaganyaan missions. Well, now you have the chance to join it. ISRO has opened its doors to aspiring technicians with a recruitment drive for 54 vacancies. If you're keen on being part of India's space exploration journey, you can apply for various ISRO jobs. Here, we are focusing on ISRO technician posts. To be eligible, you must be between 18 and 35 years old. Different ISRO technician positions have varied educational requirements, so ensure you meet the criteria specified for the role you are interested in. Check here to know all about the application process.ISRO j...