Monday, March 10

Tag: Hybrid Solar Eclipse 2023 images

Scary! Hybrid Solar Eclipse images reveals unearthly eruptions on the Sun

Scary! Hybrid Solar Eclipse images reveals unearthly eruptions on the Sun

[ad_1] The first solar eclipse of 2023 which took place on April 20, 2023 gave a unique opportunity to people to watch a hybrid solar eclipse. But now the images captured by Astronomers Petr Horalek of the Institute of Physics in Opava, and Josef Kujal, Milan Hlavac of the event have left people amazed both. The images show unearthly or ghostly eruptions coming out from the Sun.The unique celestial event of April 20, has given a peek at the eruption and corona of the Sun to the astronomers. Sharing the image Petr Horalek stated on his website, "On April 20, 2023 a unique hybrid solar eclipse occurred over the Indian Ocean, Australia, and Indonesia, making the opportunity to see a ghostly corona for up to 1 minute in the central line above Exmouth of Australia." "I was lucky to get there...