Tag: home remedies for constiaption

10 Daily Habits For A Healthy Gut And Regular Bowel Movement

10 Daily Habits For A Healthy Gut And Regular Bowel Movement

[ad_1] Struggling with constipation? A healthy gut is crucial to keep those issues at bay. When your gut isn't happy, it can lead to a range of problems, including constipation and hormonal imbalances. But fear not, there are simple daily habits you can incorporate into your routine to cleanse your body and promote regular bowel movements. Dietitian Manpreet Kalra suggests 10 easy ways to keep your gut in top shape.Also Read: 5 Foods That Can Help You Poop And Ease ConstipationHere Are 10 Daily Diet Habits To Ease Constipation:1. Start The Day With Soaked Munakka:Kickstart your day by soaking 3-4 munakkas overnight and having them first thing in the morning. Munakkas, or raisins, are packed with fibre and natural sugars that aid digestion and help regulate bowel movements.2. Aim For Time...