Tag: healthcare

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: GenAI to transform healthcare in India, UN backs safe AI use, more

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: GenAI to transform healthcare in India, UN backs safe AI use, more

[ad_1] AI roundup: While multiple sectors have been integrating AI into their products, a new study highlights that generative AI has the potential to revamp the healthcare sector in India. It is predicted to improve efficiency in how doctors provide treatment. In other news, the UN General Assembly encourages the safe use of AI which will also benefit sustainable development. Know about more such AI news today.  UN backs the safe development and use of AI UN General Assembly today adopted a resolution backed by India to promote the “safe, secure and trustworthy" use of AI tools. An ANI report quoted US Vice President Kamala Harris as saying, “Historic step toward establishing clear international norms for AI and for fostering safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems. This resolution es...
5 Things about AI you may have missed today: 58% Indians believe in AI’s relevance, Jamie Dimon on ‘Unbelievable’ AI

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: 58% Indians believe in AI’s relevance, Jamie Dimon on ‘Unbelievable’ AI

[ad_1] AI roundup: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing and in some places, it has found greater acceptability than in others. Now, a study highlights the fact that India finds the technology to be quite relevant and influential. In other news, a 16-year-old Indian-American boy Adrit Rao has developed several apps and is now collaborating with Stanford University to use AI to revamp the healthcare sector. Know about more such AI news from today.Bosch study showcases India's optimism about AIThe use of AI is significantly increasing all over the world. However, India is one such country which is said to show the most optimism for such technology. In a recent study, it was reported that 58 percent of Indians believe AI would be the most relevant technology in the future. Whi...
Cyber attack cases in India rise 15 pct in 2023: Check Point

Cyber attack cases in India rise 15 pct in 2023: Check Point

[ad_1] The number of cyber attack cases in India increased by 15 per cent per week on an average in 2023, trailing only Taiwan in the Asia Pacific region, cyber security firm Check Point said on Monday.Organisations across the globe experienced an average of 1,158 weekly cyber attacks each, which was a 1 per cent increase in the number of incidents compared to that in 2022. "In 2023 India received 2,138 weekly attacks per organisation, which is a 15 per cent surge since 2022. Within APAC, India emerges as the second most targeted nation with 2,138 weekly attacks per organization, trailing only behind Taiwan's 3,050 incidents," Check Point said. We are on WhatsApp Channels. Click to join. Within APAC, India experienced the second highest surge in attacks at 15 per cent, following Korea's...
Misuse, harm ‘inevitable’! WHO highlights AI risks for healthcare

Misuse, harm ‘inevitable’! WHO highlights AI risks for healthcare

[ad_1] Generative artificial intelligence could transform healthcare through things like drug development and more rapid diagnoses, but the World Health Organization stressed Thursday more attention should be paid to the risks.The WHO has been examining the potential dangers and benefits posed by AI large multi-modal models (LMMs), which are relatively new and are quickly being adopted in health. LMMs are a type of generative AI which can use multiple types of data input, including text, images and video, and generate outputs that are not limited to the type of data fed into the algorithm. We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join."It has been predicted that LMMs will have wide use and application in health care, scientific research, public health and drug development," said the WHO.The Uni...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: At CES 2024, Samsung AI for All unveiled, LG on AI’s future, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: At CES 2024, Samsung AI for All unveiled, LG on AI’s future, more

[ad_1] AI roundup: The year 2024 has seen AI innovations and products integrated with this tech virtually showering down on us all and now, with the start of CES 2024, it has become a virtual deluge. With a great beginning in artificial intelligence development, we can say that the coming months will be even more interesting with ever more advanced technologies being unveiled. At the CES 2024, various tech companies have revealed their AI initiatives, including Samsung. At the event, Samsung made the biggest announcement with “AI for All” which will improve safety, inclusion, and experience. On the other hand, Siemens and Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced their partnership to introduce enhanced generative AI solutions - continue reading to know all about these announcements and more.S...
The UK’s Best Hope for Tech Prowess Sits in Its Labs, Not Apps or AI

The UK’s Best Hope for Tech Prowess Sits in Its Labs, Not Apps or AI

[ad_1]  This is the season when the UK pitches itself as a technology trendsetter.In November, the government plans to convene hundreds of international financiers and executives to promote investing opportunities in British companies, including those working on nuclear fusion and “deep tech.” That same month, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will host the inaugural AI Safety Summit, an event designed to position the nation as a global leader on the critical technology.  It's a tough sell. A sluggish national economy, tepid capital markets and the lingering impacts of Brexit have left the UK with few tech companies that credibly compete on a global scale. For the upcoming artificial intelligence summit, Sunak is chiefly inviting executives from Silicon Valley.  We are now on WhatsApp. Click t...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: EdTech, Nasscom and more take to AI

5 things about AI you may have missed today: EdTech, Nasscom and more take to AI

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the education system in general and EdTech in particular, but a recent survey conducted by Axis My India has revealed that 88% of Indians are unaware of the existence of AI tools. However, that has not kept authorities from looking to control things in the space and this has resulted in the National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) to release the draft guidelines that will regulate generative AI in India. This and more in our daily AI roundup. Let us take a look.1. Apple downplays AI hype at WWDC 2023Apple took a different approach from everyone else at the WWDC 2023 by not mentioning the term AI. In contrast to other tech giants like Google and Microsoft, Apple opted for terms like "transformer language model...