Tag: geomagnetic storm this week

Sun BLASTS another solar flare at Earth; Know the geomagnetic storm warning

Sun BLASTS another solar flare at Earth; Know the geomagnetic storm warning

[ad_1] We are yet to receive an update on the incoming CME cloud that is supposed to deliver a glancing blow to the Earth today. But in the meantime, reports of another solar flare eruption have raised concerns among researchers. This particular solar flare was produced on sunspot AR3341 on June 23, the same region that was responsible for the X1-class flare that sparked a massive short-wave radio blackout on June 20. While yesterday's flare has not sparked a blackout, it now remains to be seen if this can cause a geomagnetic storm on Earth.Space weather physicist Dr. Tamitha Skov, who is also popularly known as space weather woman, mentioned in her forecast, “This week our Sun really kicks things into high gear with Region 3341 firing an X1.1-flare, an M4.9-flare, and launching two nea...
Geomagnetic storm warning! Two dangerous sunspots pockmark the Sun, reveals NOAA satellite

Geomagnetic storm warning! Two dangerous sunspots pockmark the Sun, reveals NOAA satellite

[ad_1] It has been two days since the coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud narrowly missed the Earth. Astronomers predicted that the existing sunspots were not likely to pose any further threats to our planet as all of them began decaying and were losing their unstable delta magnetic field, which is responsible for solar flare eruptions. However, it might have been too early to celebrate as a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite has spotted two new sunspots emerge on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. And one of them is large enough to produce X-class solar flares and issue fresh geomagnetic threats to the Earth. According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “A pair of new sunspot groups is emerging near the sun's southeastern limb. One of them is potentially large ...
Terrifying G-5 class geomagnetic storm coming? Can destroy satellites, gadgets on Earth

Terrifying G-5 class geomagnetic storm coming? Can destroy satellites, gadgets on Earth

[ad_1] Is the most powerful Geomagnetic storm, of G-5 class, on the way? The Sun has been throwing some terrifying fits lately and the potential for that is always there. Here is what is happening. When particles thrown out by our Sun interact with the magnetosphere and the ionosphere of the Earth after a solar eruption, huge amounts of material crash into Earth. The magnetic field lines of the Earth temporarily get disturbed, and they release extremely high amounts of magnetic energy, causing the formation of Geomagnetic Storms. Most geomagnetic storms that are sparked on Earth are classed as G1 or G2, which are of relatively low intensity. But that does not mean that the planet is safe from the impact of a strong Geomagnetic storm of higher, more dangerous, classes.Recently, astropho...
As February breaks 10 year sunspot record, geomagnetic storms run HAVOC on Earth

As February breaks 10 year sunspot record, geomagnetic storms run HAVOC on Earth

[ad_1] When Solar Cycle 25 began at the end of 2019, many forecasters predicted that it would be a weak one based on the past performance of the Sun. The Solar Cycle 24 was a particularly underwhelming one, and we have not really seen an aggressive solar cycle ever since 1859, when the Carrington event took place. However, scarily the Sun has been exceeding the predictions for a while. And as such, it seems the Earth should be prepared for a terrifying geomagnetic storm in the near future because all the signs are pointing towards it.A study by Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi, an Indian scholar and assistant professor at University of California focused on the adverse effects of geomagnetic storms and the study highlighted that “ this (solar) cycle has the potential to be one of the strongest on...