Tag: geomagnetic storm NOAA

Geomagnetic storm alert issued! Solar wind may spark a solar storm, stellar auroras around the Arctic Circle

Geomagnetic storm alert issued! Solar wind may spark a solar storm, stellar auroras around the Arctic Circle

[ad_1] In recent weeks, the frequency as well as intensity of geomagnetic storms has increased. This is perhaps due to the approaching peak of solar cycle 25 which is likely to boost solar activity. Thus, we may see more intense and frequent solar storms, geomagnetic storms, CMEs and solar flares. Now, forecasters have issued a geomagnetic storm alert due to approaching solar winds.Also Read: Total solar eclipse - Check safety tips, ways to watch online and more Geomagnetic storm alertAccording to a Space Weather report, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have revealed that a stream of solar wind is making its way towards Earth and it may graze the planet's magnetic field. It is predicted to result in a G-1 geomagnetic storm on April 4. For the una...
G1-class Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth as NOAA warns of cannibal CME

G1-class Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth as NOAA warns of cannibal CME

[ad_1] NOAA has warned that the progress of Solar Cycle 25 has surpassed scientific predictions, indicating a notably greater number of sunspots and solar storm eruptions than initially predicted by experts, and that forecast may not be very good news for Earth. The cycle began in December 2019 along with a significant surge in solar activity. Over a period of time, we have witnessed numerous dangerous solar storms striking Earth. Recently, on July 14th, the most visually dramatic eruptions of Solar Cycle 25 occurred on the surface of the Sun emitting dark plasma from the Sun's southern hemisphere, a SpaceWeather.com report revealed. Surprisingly, this explosion originated within the magnetic canopy of AR3370, a previously hidden and subtle-sized sunspot. One of these coronal mass eject...
Strong Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth on May 23; NOAA alert says

Strong Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth on May 23; NOAA alert says

[ad_1] Just a few days back, a geomagnetic storm hit the Earth! A crack had opened in Earth's magnetic field on May 19th and sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm. Resultantly, many northern-tier US states witnessed something remarkable - naked-eye auroras. This was probably a result caused by a near-miss CME that left the sun last week. And now, the fear is rising over a new solar flare! The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has alerted about the threat of a strong approaching solar flare. NOAA is using the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16) for the task.The report by SpaceWeather.com has informed, "New sunspot AR3311 is crackling with strong M-class solar flares. There have been five eruptions so far today and one almost reached category...
Solar flares fury! STRONG Geomagnetic Storm may hit Earth today

Solar flares fury! STRONG Geomagnetic Storm may hit Earth today

[ad_1] The recent surge in solar activity has caught many astronomers off guard. There has been a significant increase in the number of solar flares erupting on the Sun, resulting in abnormally fast solar winds. In turn, this has sparked strong geomagnetic storms on Earth. This is due to the Sun being at its most volatile as it approaches its solar cycle peak. The star entered its 25th solar cycle in 2019, with the peak expected to occur in 2025. However, some studies suggest that it could arrive earlier, given the sudden surge in solar storms.Recently, there was a series of three-day outbursts of M-class solar flares on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th, a SpaceWeather.com report confirmed. These solar flares spewed so many CMEs into space. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA...