G1-class Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth as NOAA warns of cannibal CME
NOAA has warned that the progress of Solar Cycle 25 has surpassed scientific predictions, indicating a notably greater number of sunspots and solar storm eruptions than initially predicted by experts, and that forecast may not be very good news for Earth. The cycle began in December 2019 along with a significant surge in solar activity. Over a period of time, we have witnessed numerous dangerous solar storms striking Earth.
Recently, on July 14th, the most visually dramatic eruptions of Solar Cycle 25 occurred on the surface of the Sun emitting dark plasma from the Sun's southern hemisphere, a SpaceWeather.com report revealed. Surprisingly, this explosion originated within the magnetic canopy of AR3370, a previously hidden and subtle-sized sunspot. One of these coronal mass eject...