Tuesday, March 4

Tag: geomagnetic storm alert

Geomagnetic storm alert issued! Solar wind may spark a solar storm, stellar auroras around the Arctic Circle

Geomagnetic storm alert issued! Solar wind may spark a solar storm, stellar auroras around the Arctic Circle

[ad_1] In recent weeks, the frequency as well as intensity of geomagnetic storms has increased. This is perhaps due to the approaching peak of solar cycle 25 which is likely to boost solar activity. Thus, we may see more intense and frequent solar storms, geomagnetic storms, CMEs and solar flares. Now, forecasters have issued a geomagnetic storm alert due to approaching solar winds.Also Read: Total solar eclipse - Check safety tips, ways to watch online and more Geomagnetic storm alertAccording to a Space Weather report, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have revealed that a stream of solar wind is making its way towards Earth and it may graze the planet's magnetic field. It is predicted to result in a G-1 geomagnetic storm on April 4. For the una...
Severe G4 Geomagnetic storm hits Earth! Solar storm could spark radio blackouts, auroral displays

Severe G4 Geomagnetic storm hits Earth! Solar storm could spark radio blackouts, auroral displays

[ad_1] In a recent alert from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Earth experienced a severe G4 geomagnetic storm on Sunday, indicating potential disruptions to radio communications. The NOAA emphasised that while the storm may fluctuate in intensity, ranging from lower levels to severe conditions, there's no need for panic among the public. However, staying informed about the storm's progression via NOAA's webpage is encouraged. The NOAA's alert notifies infrastructure operators to take mitigating actions against possible impacts, including increased voltage control problems and potential effects on satellite operations. The severity of the storm, hitting the G4 level on the NOAA's 5-point scale, arrived earlier than anticipated, reaching its threshold at 16:28 ...
Geomagnetic storm alert issued as CME grazes Earth; Know the solar storm danger today

Geomagnetic storm alert issued as CME grazes Earth; Know the solar storm danger today

[ad_1] With Earth going through the Vernal Equinox, solar activity is impacting the planet with increasing frequency. As we approach the solar maximum, it is only expected to increase further. Just a few days ago, the Sun spewed out a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) towards Earth. It was a huge eruption and was designated as the ‘Canyon of Fire' by NASA. This CME was hurled towards Earth and a potential solar storm danger arose. Now, forecasters have revealed that the CME has indeed impacted Earth and a geomagnetic storm alert has been issued.Also Read: CME set to spark Geomagnetic storm soon, reveals NASA Geomagnetic storm alertAccording to a SpaceWeather report, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the expulsion of the CME on March 17. It then set a course for Earth and grazed the p...
Solar storm alert: CME set to spark Geomagnetic storm soon, beautiful auroras likely

Solar storm alert: CME set to spark Geomagnetic storm soon, beautiful auroras likely

[ad_1] Solar storm alert: On March 17, a big Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) erupted on the surface of the Sun. This CME is now on course for Earth and it could spark a geomagnetic storm soon, raising a potential threat of a solar storm. This development comes just days after another CME grazed Earth's magnetic field, triggering a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm. Know all about this solar storm alert.Also Read: NASA prepares for solar storm surge as new research unravels complexity of solar phenomena Solar storm alertAccording to a SpaceWeather report, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a huge eruption of the solar surface where a CME was expelled. This CME is being called a “Canyon of Fire". The space agency has modelled the data and revealed that this solar storm cloud is now app...
Solar storm watch: Geomagnetic storm on the cards today due to possible CME impact

Solar storm watch: Geomagnetic storm on the cards today due to possible CME impact

[ad_1] Solar storm watch: Just a few days ago, Sunspot AR3559 posed a threat of X-class solar flares due to the ‘beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field. This development came amidst a new forecast for solar cycle 25 released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). As per the predictions, the solar cycle is expected to peak at an intensity stronger than previously anticipated. Now, forecasters have revealed that a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) could strike Earth soon and it might trigger a geomagnetic storm. Know all about this solar storm alert.Also Read: Sunspot could hurl out X-class solar flares Solar storm watchAccording to a SpaceWeather report, NOAA forecasters say that a CME might graze Earth's magnetic field today, March 14. This could trigger a minor G1-class geo...
Geomagnetic storm alert issued! NOAA says solar wind could trigger solar storm on March 9

Geomagnetic storm alert issued! NOAA says solar wind could trigger solar storm on March 9

[ad_1] Just a few days ago, an M-class solar flare hit Earth and sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm. This is amidst the rising solar activity during the current solar cycle 25, which is expected to enter its peak this year. Consequently, the planet has witnessed a growing number of solar particles, CMEs, solar flares, solar storms and geomagnetic storms in the last few months, and it is expected to rise further. Now, a geomagnetic storm alert has been issued which could trigger a solar storm.Also Read: Volatile Sunspot all set to spew out solar flare Geomagnetic storm alertAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have issued a minor geomagnetic storm alert as a G1-class geomagnetic storm could hit Earth on Mar...
NASA says strong incoming solar winds could spark geomagnetic storm on Earth

NASA says strong incoming solar winds could spark geomagnetic storm on Earth

[ad_1] The barrage of solar activity continues as we near the peak of solar cycle 25. For the unaware, a solar cycle is an 11-year period where the Sun's activity dips and rises. The lowest point of activity in the cycle is known as the solar minimum, while the period of highest activity is known as the solar maximum. As we approach the solar maximum, Earth is predicted to face more CMEs, sunspots, solar flares, and solar storms. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which carries a full suite of instruments to observe the Sun, has now revealed that a strong stream of solar wind is flowing towards Earth and it could spark a geomagnetic storm. Know all about this latest development. Geomagnetic stormYesterday, it was revealed that a sunspot on the solar surface containing almost 12 d...
Geomagnetic storm caused by CME sparks rare red auroras over Scotland

Geomagnetic storm caused by CME sparks rare red auroras over Scotland

[ad_1] Solar activity has been on an upward trend in the last few months and it is expected to increase as the Sun approaches the solar maximum. Earth is set to be in the firing line of CMEs, solar storms, geomagnetic storms, and more as the peak of the Sun's 11-year solar cycle nears. Therefore, it is imperative that we keep a check on the volatile nature of the Sun for any activity that threatens Earth. Astonishingly, the present cycle has exceeded the expectations of scientists as the number of sunspots till now has already passed the total number predicted in this cycle.In a recent development, experts have revealed details about the rare form of auroras that were sparked due to a CME hitting Earth. Know details of this phenomenon and the geomagnetic storm that sparked it. CME spark...
G1-class Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth as NOAA warns of cannibal CME

G1-class Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth as NOAA warns of cannibal CME

[ad_1] NOAA has warned that the progress of Solar Cycle 25 has surpassed scientific predictions, indicating a notably greater number of sunspots and solar storm eruptions than initially predicted by experts, and that forecast may not be very good news for Earth. The cycle began in December 2019 along with a significant surge in solar activity. Over a period of time, we have witnessed numerous dangerous solar storms striking Earth. Recently, on July 14th, the most visually dramatic eruptions of Solar Cycle 25 occurred on the surface of the Sun emitting dark plasma from the Sun's southern hemisphere, a SpaceWeather.com report revealed. Surprisingly, this explosion originated within the magnetic canopy of AR3370, a previously hidden and subtle-sized sunspot. One of these coronal mass eject...
Solar Storm Fury! Geomagnetic storm likely to be sparked tomorrow, NOAA warns

Solar Storm Fury! Geomagnetic storm likely to be sparked tomorrow, NOAA warns

[ad_1] As many as two solar storms are set to impact Earth! These were generated by a couple of partially Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs), spewed out by the Sun on July 4 and they are currently on their way. This solar activity, when it hits the Earth's atmosphere will likely generate geomagnetic storms on Earth. The likely date, when the first solar storm hits Earth and triggers a geomagnetic storm, is July 7. This has been confirmed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) forecasters.NOAA has warned that a G1-class geomagnetic storm is likely to hit Earth on 7 July. "Magnetic responses are likely to reach the G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm levels, with a chance for G2 storm levels if more favourable conditions are observed. Stay tuned to our webpage ...