5 Food Combinations To Avoid If You Suffer From Acidity, Boating And Constipation
Indigestion is a common problem that we all face. There are times when we eat perfectly normal and healthy foods but still get acidity or bloating, which leaves us wondering why. You could have had foods that you regularly eat, so what went wrong? Well, the food itself could not be the culprit but it is other foods you paired it with that would be the problem. Food combinations have a bigger effect on our system than we realise. Wrong food pairing can lead to bloating, constipation, acidity, fatigue, heartburn and other digestive issues. So, it is important to know what foods you should not eat together if you have a weak digestive system.Here're 5 Food Combinations That May Lead To Indigestion:1. Meat And CarbsWhat? No chicken and roti? Surprisingly, this combination is bad for d...