Tag: facebook feed

Feed me: 4 ways to take control of social media algorithms and get the content you actually want

Feed me: 4 ways to take control of social media algorithms and get the content you actually want

[ad_1] Whether it's Facebook's News Feed or TikTok's For You page, social media algorithms are constantly making behind-the-scenes decisions to boost certain content – giving rise to the "curated" feeds we've all become accustomed to.But does anyone actually know how these algorithms work? And, more importantly, is there a way to "game" them to see more of the content you want? Optimising for engagementIn broader computing terms, an algorithm is simply a set of rules that specifies a particular computational procedure. In a social media context, algorithms (specifically "recommender algorithms") determine everything from what you're likely to read, to whom you're likely to follow, to whether a specific post appears in front of you.Their main goal is to sustain your attention for as long...