Tag: diy granola recipe

DIY Recipe: Prepare Granola At Home To Put Together Healthy Breakfast Bowl

DIY Recipe: Prepare Granola At Home To Put Together Healthy Breakfast Bowl

[ad_1] There are certain foods that regularly appear on our breakfast table - cereals being the most common one. Corn flakes, muesli, oats and more, we have a range of breakfast cereals to choose from. In fact, visit any supermarket, and the aisle of cereals will leave you spoilt for choices. These cereals are uncomplicated, ready-to-eat and fulfilling to the core. All you need to do is, mix it with yogurt or milk, top it with your choice of fruits and indulge. One such popular breakfast cereal is granola. Over the years, granola has gained a fair share of popularity due to its taste and availability. It is a toasted mixture of rolled oats, nuts, dried fruits, and sweeteners like sugar or honey.Is muesli the same as granola?Looking into the ingredients, one might get confused between mue...