Tag: diabetes diet expert tips

Diabetes In The Family? 5 Game-changing Tips To Keep It At Bay!

Diabetes In The Family? 5 Game-changing Tips To Keep It At Bay!

[ad_1] The rising cases of diabetes all around us prompt us to take better care of our health and our diet. For some, the word "diabetes" echoes through generations, if there is a long family history. It is a subtle reminder to be mindful of our lifestyle choices to prevent it we have the tendency. The cause of diabetes is largely pinned on an unhealthy lifestyle, but many times, genes also play a role. If diabetes is prevalent in your family, it is of utmost importance to take preventive measures to evade the illness. But how? Through your diet.Also Read: Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss In Diabetes Diet? Busting Some MythsWhy Is It Important To Prevent Diabetes? Why does it matter, you ask? Diabetes, if left unchecked, can be harmful to our well-being. It's not just about ins...
Nutritionist Suggests Best Ways To Prevent Early Diabetes

Nutritionist Suggests Best Ways To Prevent Early Diabetes

[ad_1] India ranks second for the highest number of individuals with diabetes worldwide; we certainly cannot only blame our genes and heredity for it! You don't get diabetes overnight, but it largely depends on how your lifestyle has been. Good news is that insulin resistance and early diabetes can be reversed.Here are 6 Highly Effective Ways To Prevent Early Diabetes:1. Carbs and Blood Glucose Spike connection:Carbohydrate is a macronutrient which spikes blood glucose levels, either too fast or slow, depending upon the source. Foods like jowar, bajra, nachni, oats, rice, wheat, sugar, maida, fruit and even pulses are carbohydrate rich sources. Each of them gets converted to glucose in the body but the only difference is that Sugar, Maida, Honey, Jaggery and Fruits spike glucose faster t...