Tag: cooking tips and techniques

Crispy Corn Not Crispy Enough? These 5 Tips Will Ensure Perfect Results Every Time

Crispy Corn Not Crispy Enough? These 5 Tips Will Ensure Perfect Results Every Time

[ad_1] Crispy corn is an all-time favourite snack. Whether you're at a wedding, a dinner party, or any other occasion, it's usually on the snack menu. It's quite light and flavourful and is loved for its irresistible crispy texture. However, it's not easy to achieve this texture at home. To fully savour this snack, it needs to be restaurant-like crispy. After all, no one would want to eat crispy corn that doesn't live up to its name and is soggy instead. If you too, face this problem, we've got you covered. Here, we present to you some foolproof tips that will ensure your crispy corn turns out perfect every single time. Read on!Also Read: How To Make Crispy Baby Corn Fritters Using An Air Fryer (Easy Recipe Inside)Photo Credit: IstockCooking Tips: Here Are 4 Easy Tips To Make Perfect Cri...
Making Imli Chutney At Home Just Got Easier! 5 Tips To Make It Perfectly

Making Imli Chutney At Home Just Got Easier! 5 Tips To Make It Perfectly

[ad_1] If there is one thing we Indians can never get enough of, it is chutney. Whether with our main course meal or evening snack, it instantly elevates its flavour, doesn't it? This popular accompaniment comes in different flavours, ranging from sweet and spicy to tangy. Now, of course, you can enjoy a separate chutney to match every flavour, but one that combines all of them perfectly is imli chutney. Be it along with samosa, dahi bhalla, or kachori, we've seen it make its way through all of these mouth-watering snacks. However, many people find it challenging to prepare imli chutney at home. The consistency may not be right, or it may not have all the flavours balanced fully. If this sounds familiar to you, then keep on reading as we share some pro tips on how to master the art of ma...
Crispy And Tasty, Make Perfect Chicken Cutlets At Home! 5 Easy Tips To Keep In Mind

Crispy And Tasty, Make Perfect Chicken Cutlets At Home! 5 Easy Tips To Keep In Mind

[ad_1] Chicken cutlets are one of the most beloved chicken snacks out there. Their flavorful taste and irresistible crispy texture make them an absolute delight to indulge in. They make for the perfect companion to enjoy with our evening chai and to serve as a snack at dinner parties. While it doesn't take much time to gorge on chicken cutlets, making them at home can be slightly tricky. There are times when they don't turn out as crispy as you expected them to. When this happens, it can be quite disappointing after putting in all the hard work. If you often face this problem, we're here to help you out. Find below a list of easy tips that'll make cutlets just like the ones you get at a restaurant: crispy, flavourful, and oh-so-delicious!Also Read: Bored Of Traditional Cutlets? Try This ...
Can You Make Your Kathi Roll Healthier? 5 Ways To Add More Nutrition To It

Can You Make Your Kathi Roll Healthier? 5 Ways To Add More Nutrition To It

[ad_1] Kathi roll is one of the most popular street foods in India. You'll easily find street vendors selling this snack in every nook and cranny of your city. And why not? It is full of exciting flavours, comes in endless different varieties, and is also quite wholesome. However, as much as we love biting into a hearty kathi roll, we can't ignore the fact that sometimes it can be quite unhealthy as well. More often than not, vendors put too many sauces and cook the fillings in copious amounts of oil, which brings down their health profile. We know it can be difficult to give up eating a street snack that you love, but you can make it healthier by making it at home. It allows you to have better control over the ingredients, and this makes it more nutritious. Wondering how to do so? Then ...
5 Tips To Make Your Homemade Butter Naan Softer Than Ever

5 Tips To Make Your Homemade Butter Naan Softer Than Ever

[ad_1] Breads hold a significant place in Indian cuisine, enhancing the flavours of our curries. Among the diverse range, the classic butter naan enjoys widespread popularity. This leavened flatbread, traditionally prepared in a tandoor, is renowned for its exceptionally soft texture and buttery taste. While many opt to savour it at restaurants or dhabas, creating this delectable dish at home is not as daunting as it may seem. In this article, we'll provide you with valuable tips to effortlessly craft restaurant-style soft butter naan in your own kitchen. Read on for the ultimate guide.Also Read: Love Stuffed Naans? Check Out These 5 Delicious Paneer Naan RecipesHere Are 5 Tips To Make Soft Butter Naan At Home:1. Choose the Correct FlourIt's crucial to use the right flour for making butt...
Calling All Dahi Kebab Lovers! 4 Fantastic Ways To Prepare It

Calling All Dahi Kebab Lovers! 4 Fantastic Ways To Prepare It

[ad_1] Dahi kebab is one of the most beloved vegetarian snacks out there. Whether you're at a dinner party or a wedding, it's hard not to find this snack on the menu. And why shouldn't it be there? It offers the perfect balance of textures and flavours and is an absolute delight to indulge in. Now, of course, we can eat them on such occasions or order them from outside. But let's be honest, making it at home from scratch has its own charm. You're in control of all the ingredients and can also adjust the amount of oil you use. If you're wondering how to make dahi kebab at home, we'll help you out. Here, we have enlisted four different ways to cook this yummy snack at home, just like the one you get at a restaurant.Also Read: Want To Make Restaurant-Style Dahi Kebab? Follow These 5 Genius ...
Kitchen Tips: 5 Hacks To Make Perfect Street-Style Soya Chaap

Kitchen Tips: 5 Hacks To Make Perfect Street-Style Soya Chaap

[ad_1] We Indians take immense pride in our street food. And why not? With so many mouth-watering snacks to choose from, this feeling is natural. One such beloved snack that enjoys a huge fan following is soya chaap. This snack resembles meat but is vegetarian, making it a great alternative for people who do not eat non-vegetarian foods. You'll easily find several roadside stalls selling different varieties of soya chaap in your city, and they all manage to delight our taste buds every single time. They have the perfect soft texture and spicy flavour. If you wish to recreate street-style soya chaap at home, we've got you covered with some easy tips. Read on.Also Read: Chilli Chaap, Malai Chaap And More: 5 Ways To Make Delicious Snacks With Soya ChaapHere Are 5 Easy Tips To Make Street-St...
Want To Make Perfect Crispy Fish At Home? Follow These 5 Tips

Want To Make Perfect Crispy Fish At Home? Follow These 5 Tips

[ad_1] Fish holds a special place in the heart of every non-vegetarian food lover. We've all yearned for that perfect, mouth-watering crunch of restaurant-style crispy fish. A piping hot platter of perfectly cooked fish served with a portion of fries and green chutney is enough to tantalise your taste buds. Don't you agree? Well, we can all relate to the part where we fail to achieve the restaurant-style texture of the fish. Does the fish turn out disappointingly soggy? Ever wondered why this happens? The answer is simple: we lack the right technique. But worry not, your home-cooked fish is about to get a crispy upgrade. Check out these game-changing tips, and soon you'll be serving up fish with a crunch that rivals your favourite restaurant. Say goodbye to fishy flops and welcome the pe...
Having Trouble Cooking Prawns? Here Are 5 Mistakes You Might Be Making

Having Trouble Cooking Prawns? Here Are 5 Mistakes You Might Be Making

[ad_1] Prawns enjoy a huge fan following among seafood lovers. Whether it's the classic tempura prawns or a rich and flavourful prawn curry, there's something incredibly delightful about indulging in each of them. The ones that we enjoy at restaurants somehow always manage to ace the flavours perfectly. However, when it comes to making these same dishes at home, we may encounter many challenges. Sometimes, the prawns tend to overcook or lack that restaurant flavour that we all love so much. Even after meticulously following all the steps of a recipe, we are never fully satisfied with the end results. What is it that we might be doing wrong? Below we have curated a list of mistakes to avoid while cooking prawns. Read on to find out.Also Read: Are Your Prawns Fresh? 5 Easy Tips To Assess T...
Struggling To Make Pizza At Home? Watch Out For These 5 Mistakes

Struggling To Make Pizza At Home? Watch Out For These 5 Mistakes

[ad_1] There is nothing more satisfying than the aroma of fresh pizza baking in the oven. As soon as it's fully done and we get to take that first bite, it instantly transports us to heaven. Don't you agree? There's just something incredibly delicious about this Italian classic that makes us want to keep trying it again and again. Many people also enjoy making it at home from scratch in an attempt to replicate restaurant-style flavours. However, somehow, we're never fully able to achieve it. Sometimes the crust ends up being too hard, and other times we end up adding too many toppings on top of it, which doesn't allow the flavours to come out as they're supposed to. To make perfect pizzas at home, here are some mistakes you must steer clear of:Also Read: Weekend Binge: 5 Unique Pizzas Yo...