Tag: Cheaper Mobile Plans

Cheaper Mobile Plans Aim to Dislodge Complacent AT&T, Verizon Customers

Cheaper Mobile Plans Aim to Dislodge Complacent AT&T, Verizon Customers

[ad_1] A handful of upstart wireless providers are offering monthly service plans at less than half the average cost of the major national networks, but complacent consumers seem to prefer to pay more rather than face the hassle of switching.MobileX is a few weeks into the launch of an unlimited pay-as-you go plan starting at $20-a-month that includes an artificial intelligence-powered virtual guide that can anticipate a user's needs and customize plans based on their spending. Another new entrant is Boost Infinite, a $25 a month unlimited service introduced by satellite TV provider Dish Network Corp., which promises to never raise prices on customers that sign up early. Each of these challengers are reselling service provided by one of the big three carriers — AT&T Inc., Verizon Co...