Tag: calcium and bone

5 Non-Dairy Foods That Are Excellent Sources Of Calcium

5 Non-Dairy Foods That Are Excellent Sources Of Calcium

[ad_1] Our body needs nutrition in the form of various macro and micro nutrients, each one of them playing their own part in bringing us health and wellness. We all know that calcium is essential for strong bones, teeth and hair. But its benefits don't end here. Calcium also aids heart health and muscle function. In fact, deficiency of calcium can lead to many health problems like osteoporosis, arthritis hypertension, and muscle cramps. Unfortunately, our body is not able to produce calcium on its own, this is why it is important to consume enough calcium through our diet.Also Read: 5 Everyday Foods That May Be Ruining Your Teeth - What You Must Eat InsteadFortunately, there are plenty of calcium-rich foods to pick from. Dairy products like milk, cheese and curd are some of the best sour...
5 Signs Your Body Is Low On Calcium – Important Steps To Take

5 Signs Your Body Is Low On Calcium – Important Steps To Take

[ad_1] Have you ever wondered why common breakfast foods include milk, eggs and oats? This is because these foods are loaded with calcium, a mineral that is crucial for our health but that is not produced within the body. We all know that calcium is essential for our bones and teeth. But it also plays a role in blood pressure, body weight, brain health, heart health and much more. If your calcium intake is less than the required amount, you could be at risk of a variety of diseases. This is also sometimes known as hypocalcemia. One of the quickest steps you can take is to make dietary changes to include more calcium-rich foods. But how would you come to know if you are calcium deficient?Here Are 5 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Low On Calcium:1. Dental CavitiesSome minerals support the ...