NASA shares Hubble Space Telescope’s snap of LEDA 42160 galaxy that is 52 mn light-years away
In the vastness of space, galaxies journey through the cosmos, encountering mind-boggling challenges along the way. One such challenge is ram pressure, a force exerted by the gas and dust present in space. NASA and ESA-run Hubble Space Telescope recently captured an image showcasing the effects of this on a distant galaxy known as LEDA 42160.Situated approximately 52 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo, LEDA 42160 is a dwarf galaxy navigating through the dense gas within the Virgo cluster of galaxies. This intergalactic gas creates a pressure, known as ram pressure, which directly impacts the star formation processes within LEDA 42160. Ram pressure can have both positive and negative effects on galaxies. On one hand, it can strip a galaxy of its star-forming gas a...