This Story Of A Little Girl Walking Into A Burger Outlet With Just ₹10 Is Winning Hearts
A heartening gesture by an employee at a Burger King outlet is garnering a lot of praise and appreciation on social media. So much so that even the company organised a ceremony to felicitate the good samaritan, who helped a girl with a burger. The little one walked into the food joint with ₹10 in her hand. She wanted to buy a burger, which cost ₹90. Here comes Dheeraj Kumar, who was standing on the other side of the counter. Mr Kumar added the extra money required for the purchase and the little girl got the burger. The incident took place on World Food Day.हाथ में दस रुपए लेकिन बर्गर खाने के लिए चाहिए थे 90 रुपए, लेकिन काउंटर के पीछे बैठे व्यक्ति ने मना नहीं किया खुद से 80 रुपए मिलाकर बच्ची को बर्गर दे दिया। ये है #WorldFoodDay2022 पर छोटी सी हैप्पी एंडिंग वाली कहानी।