Tag: black hole star

Black hole slaughtering a star! Know what is Scary Barbie, the object discovered by AI

Black hole slaughtering a star! Know what is Scary Barbie, the object discovered by AI

[ad_1] The universe is filled with mysteries far beyond the understanding of humans. With every new discovery, we learn a little more about our vast neighborhood. And the more we learn, we realize how little we actually know. Earlier, astronomers believed that the most luminous or brightest cosmic objects were supernova events. But the latest discovery of a black hole destroying a star has rendered their knowledge useless. This cosmic object is still being measured in terms of energy and so far, it is more intense and shines brighter than a 1000 supernova combined together. The most interesting part is that astronomers would never have been able to find this entity if it was not for artificial intelligence or AI.The study was uploaded to the preprint server arXiv and it has been accepte...
First image of a black hole gets a makeover with AI

First image of a black hole gets a makeover with AI

[ad_1] The first image of a black hole captured four years ago revealed a fuzzy, fiery doughnut-shaped object. Now, researchers have used artificial intelligence to give that cosmic beauty shot a touch-up.The updated picture, published Thursday in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, keeps the original shape, but with a skinnier ring and a sharper resolution. The image released in 2019 gave a peek at the enormous black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy, 53 million light-years from Earth. A light-year is 5.8 trillion miles. It was made using data gathered by a network of radio telescopes around the world, showing swirling light and gas. But even with many telescopes working together, gaps remained in the data. In the latest study, scientists relied on the same data and used machine lear...
Savage! Black holes ravaging the same stars again and again caught by Newton Telescope

Savage! Black holes ravaging the same stars again and again caught by Newton Telescope

[ad_1] Black holes are the biggest mysteries in Space and yes, they are most savage phenomena in outer space. Now, they have been caught ravaging the same stars over and over again. The ESA XMM-Newton space telescope has provided two different teams of Astronomers a deep look at repeated outbursts of light from inactive black holes that are attacking the same stars again and again. This discovery is as unexpected as it is shocking as the outbursts from these black holes appear only when a black hole ravages a star. The attacks are as savage as can be when these black holes eat parts of the star under attack. Hidden Supermassive Black Hole A hidden supermassive black hole can be "seen" by astronomers when a star veers towards it during a close approach. The star gets ripped apart ...
Star shaped into a Donut by black hole! Terrifying snap taken by NASA’s Hubble Telescope

Star shaped into a Donut by black hole! Terrifying snap taken by NASA’s Hubble Telescope

[ad_1] NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has found a black hole which has twisted a captive star into a terrifying Donut shape. Here is all you need to know. Black holes swallow everything, even light! According to NASA, a black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. It pulls everything within its reach into its bottomless abyss. As per the latest information provided by NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has found a black hole which twisted a star into a donut shape. "Black holes are gatherers, not hunters. They lie in wait until a hapless star wanders by. When the star gets close enough, the black hole's gravitational grasp violently rips it apart and sloppily devours its gasses while belching out intense radiation...
Awesome NASA image shows Black Hole eating a Star

Awesome NASA image shows Black Hole eating a Star

[ad_1] The star being destroyed by a black hole was 10 million times the mass of our Sun. A number of NASA telescopes have observed an enormous black hole destroying a star that came too close. It was 10 million times the mass of our Sun. This was the 5th-closest example of a black hole eating a star ever observed. The telescope that NASA has deployed for the job is the NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescopic Array). It is the best space telescope capable of scrutinizing these wavelengths of light. Observing the destruction of a star by a black hole serves a big purpose for humanity. Information can be used to better understand what happens to material that's captured by these stars before being fully depleted. A black hole destroying a star is also known as a "tidal disruption ...
Savage! Distant black hole is caught in the act of savaging a star

Savage! Distant black hole is caught in the act of savaging a star

[ad_1] Astronomers have detected an act of extreme violence more than halfway across the known universe as a black hole shreds a star that wandered too close to this celestial savage. Astronomers have detected an act of extreme violence more than halfway across the known universe as a black hole shreds a star that wandered too close to this celestial savage. But this was no ordinary instance of a ravenous black hole. It was one of only four examples - and the first since 2011 - of a black hole observed in the act of tearing apart a passing star in what is called a tidal disruption event and then launching luminous jets of high-energy particles in opposite directions into space, researchers said. And it was both the furthest and brightest such event on record. Astronomers describe...