3 Facts You Must Know Before Planning Intermittent Fasting – Expert Shares
Let's put it straight - intermittent fasting is not a fad diet. It is simply about eating healthily and nutritiously within a restricted period of time. However, according to several experts, following intermittent fasting for an extended period may have some negative effects on your overall health. Nutritionist Rashi Choudhury recently highlighted a few essential factors that one must consider before adapting to an intermittent fasting regime. She took to Instagram to share, "We can't negate the positive effects of a bacterium called 'akkermensia' that multiplies when we fast, but let's not overdo this, especially if you're a woman." Let's find out why.Also Read: Unveiling The Potential Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting In DiabetesHere Are 3 Important Facts About Intermitte...