Rare solar storm hits India; Ladakh witnesses aurora show – check photo
While solar storms are routine affairs for higher latitude regions such as northern Europe, the USA, Canada, and especially the Arctic circle, it is an extremely rare occurrence for places such as India, which are much nearer to the equator. However, on April 23, when the Earth suffered the worst solar storm of 6 years, even India fell in its geoeffective region. As a result, the night skies of Ladakh were filled with bright aurora display. Luckily, astronomers were able to capture images of this rare event to showcase the spectacular night.The Twitter handle of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAstrophysics) under the Department of Science and Technology posted a series of tweets, along with a time-lapse video, highlighting the event. It tweeted, “#Aurora from #Ladakh! Thi...