Tag: Atmosphere

James Webb Space Telescope makes sensational discovery on coolest exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c

James Webb Space Telescope makes sensational discovery on coolest exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c

[ad_1] Back in February 2017, researchers with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope discovered a large batch of Earth-sized rocky exoplanets. Ever since then, researchers have been trying to study the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1 c with the help of NASA's Jammes Webb Space Telescope.Recently, researchers were successfully able to study the atmosphere of the rocky exoplanet and stated that it is the coolest exoplanet with a dayside temperature of about 225 degrees Fahrenheit based on thermal emission. However, researchers at NASA are unsure about its atmosphere due to its very thin layer of carbon dioxide. They believe that if the planet's atmosphere exists at all, it is extremely thin. The finding represents a significant advancement to understand whether planets orbiting small red dwarf...
NASA Studies GHGSat Methane Data Amid Race for Climate Solutions

NASA Studies GHGSat Methane Data Amid Race for Climate Solutions

[ad_1] NASA will study high-resolution satellite observations of global methane releases captured by emissions tracker GHGSat Inc. in the latest sign governments are looking to curb leaks of the potent greenhouse gas. Scientists at NASA's Earth Science Division will evaluate the data under its commercial small satellite data acquisition program and assess if it can help achieve the agency's wider goals, which include mapping the climate effects from human activity, according to a GHGSat statement Wednesday. The initiative currently uses observations from satellite operators including Planet Labs PBC and Maxar Technologies Inc. to augment NASA's own Earth observations.As the planet rapidly warms triggering extreme weather events from wildfires to heat waves, countries are getting more se...
Pure GOLD! Where Earth’s atmosphere meets space, NASA-funded gadget reveals big secrets

Pure GOLD! Where Earth’s atmosphere meets space, NASA-funded gadget reveals big secrets

[ad_1] Between Earth and outer space, there is a critically important area. Between Earth and outer space, there is a critically important area. This is the atmosphere. Now, a NASA funded instrument has revealed some long-held secrets about the ionosphere. The ionosphere stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles above Earth's surface. It is exactly at the edge of space. This is the dynamic region where the atmosphere meets space. Home to astronauts on the space station and to many satellites, the ionosphere constantly fluctuates and responds to changes from above and below. A NASA-funded instrument is shedding new light on the invisible processes and rhythms at play in this intersection between Earth and space. In the ionosphere, radiation from the Sun cooks some of the gases until the...
Thunderstorm in the Hive! Bees can produce electricity up to 1000 volts, camera shows

Thunderstorm in the Hive! Bees can produce electricity up to 1000 volts, camera shows

[ad_1] A new research published in the journal iScience has explained that a swarm of honey bees can generate as much electricity as a thunderstorm. Can you believe swarms of honeybees can help in electricity generation? Yes! A new research published in the journal iScience has suggested that swarms of honeybees can generate as much electrical charge as a thunderstorm. Researchers from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom have found this. Biologist Ellard Hunting, first author on the study, has informed CNN that the Bristol team was studying about different organisms that use the static electric fields available in the environment. Atmospheric electricity even affects weather events and helps organisms in their functions like finding food. Explaining the study, Hunting...