Tag: asteroid this week

1640-foot asteroid could hit Earth, says UCC professor; know when

1640-foot asteroid could hit Earth, says UCC professor; know when

[ad_1] Asteroids are massive space rocks that travel through space and worryingly, some of these also make a close approach to Earth. NASA tracks such asteroids and categorizes them as potentially hazardous or non-hazardous objects depending on their size and proximity to the planet. Now, a new study says that an asteroid can hit Earth in the next 159 years. Considering that an asteroid caused the extinction of dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, this is shocking news. Now, the prediction of an asteroid collision in the near future is scary. Know what the expert says about this asteroid impact. Asteroid set to hit Earth in 159 yearsAccording to an Echo Live report, University College Cork (UCC) Astrophysics Professor Bertram Bitsch has said that there is a chance of an asteroid named B...
Asteroid 2023 QR to get extremely close to Earth today at just 129,000 miles, says NASA

Asteroid 2023 QR to get extremely close to Earth today at just 129,000 miles, says NASA

[ad_1] Asteroids have become top billing in news ever since it was first surmised that one such space rock had caused the demise of the dinosaurs. However, did you know that asteroids are sometimes called minor planets? According to NASA, asteroids are rocky parts that were left from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. The size of the asteroids ranges from 530 km in diameter to 10 m. These space rocks are usually observed in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. However, there is a probability of asteroids being threat to our planet. Therefore, it is extremely important to track them. Sometimes, interaction with a planet's gravitational field knocks these asteroids off their trajectories and sends them towards a planet like Earth...
Asteroid, as big as Boeing 777, is hurtling towards Earth; NASA shares the details

Asteroid, as big as Boeing 777, is hurtling towards Earth; NASA shares the details

[ad_1] Asteroids will always be a matter of concern for the Earth. Therefore, their detection and monitoring is necessary. One meteor named the Chelyabinsk meteor exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk in the southern Urals region of Russia on February 15, 2013. It injured 1,500 people with flying glass from broken windows. The Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), a branch of NASA, monitors the skies and keeps a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). The organization has recently issued a warning against an asteroid designated as Asteroid 2023 PM1. It is just one of the millions of asteroids that have been discovered to date. NASA keeps an eye on the asteroids with the help of advanced ground and space-based telescopes and satellites.Asteroid 2023 PM1This asteroid is on its...
Building-sized asteroid goes unnoticed till 2 days after its DANGEROUSLY close pass by Earth

Building-sized asteroid goes unnoticed till 2 days after its DANGEROUSLY close pass by Earth

[ad_1] Shockingly, researchers and astronomers have all missed an asteroid that passed our planet from a dangerously close distance, and could have struck it too, if things went the other way! The incident is eerily reminiscent of 2013 when a huge asteroid shattered windows in Chelyabinsk, Russia. According to a report, asteroid 2023 NT1 was first spotted two days after it made its closest approach to Earth on July 13. This asteroid must be three times bigger than the asteroid in 2013.Sky surveys and scientists discovered the space rock's existence after it had already passed us, leaving it in our rearview mirror. The asteroid's direction was hard to judge due to its direction from Earth just like the Chelyabinsk bolide. About Asteroid 2023 NT1The space rock was found by the Asteroid Te...
101-foot Asteroid 2023 HQ zooming towards Earth at bewildering speed today, alerts NASA

101-foot Asteroid 2023 HQ zooming towards Earth at bewildering speed today, alerts NASA

[ad_1] Space is a dangerous place. It is filled with a massive number of gigantic and high-speed celestial bodies moving in random directions. And some of them pose a big threat to the Earth. Just a couple of days ago, an asteroid exploded over the skies in Europe. This is why space agencies such as NASA have doubled down on planetary defense measures. Last year, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission was conducted successfully and now, NASA has begun construction of the Near-Earth Object (NEO) Surveyor space telescope which will scan the inner solar system in the infrared spectrum to look for any potentially dangerous asteroids. And now, NASA reveals that a mammoth 101-foot asteroid is going to visit our planet from a dangerously close distance. The risk is, if it gets tra...
Asteroid EXPLODES right above Earth; turns into fireball over Europe

Asteroid EXPLODES right above Earth; turns into fireball over Europe

[ad_1] Many asteroids come extremely close to the Earth, but eventually, they all make a safe passage and fly away without posing any risk to us. However, that was not the case recently, when an asteroid darted towards the Earth and would have struck it, if it was not for the atmosphere. The atmospheric drag heated the asteroid up and it exploded. The fireball asteroid was seen flying across the sky over Europe, reminding us that if things had been a little different, it could have struck any of the major cities and caused a big catastrophe. Check the details.As per a report by European Space Agency, the asteroid was discovered just hours before it entered our atmosphere. “At 20:18 UTC on 12 February 2023, the new asteroid, initially designated Sar2667, was imaged by the Piszkesteto Obs...
This asteroid news from NASA will terrify you! It is quite SERIOUS

This asteroid news from NASA will terrify you! It is quite SERIOUS

[ad_1] On its official website, NASA mentions that the chances of an asteroid large enough to cause a global catastrophe (about one kilometer in width) striking the Earth is once every 100,000 years on average. However, a NASA chief scientist has put serious doubts about that asteroid strike claim after revealing that there could be a big miscalculation in estimating both the number of large asteroids hitting our planet as well as how devastating these blows were. As different space agencies build different asteroid defense mechanisms to protect us from future threats, there might be less time than we realize.According to a report by Science.org, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center chief scientist, James Garvin, revealed during his presentation at the recent Lunar and Planetary Science Co...
Space Terror! NASA warns of MONSTROUS 590-foot asteroid bolting towards Earth

Space Terror! NASA warns of MONSTROUS 590-foot asteroid bolting towards Earth

[ad_1] Yesterday, March 10, it was revealed that NASA is tracking an asteroid named 2023 DW which has a 1-in-600 chance of striking the Earth. However, that threat is still quite a bit far as the close approach is expected to take place in 2046. However, the bigger and more immediate risk comes from another 590-foot wide asteroid called 2023 CM that is dashing towards our planet and will make its closest approach on March 14. This is particularly concerning because if the space rock were to strike the Earth, it could potentially cause widespread destruction including flattening any structure in its range, triggering earthquakes, tectonic shifts, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and even forest fires. Check details.Monstrous asteroid to approach the EarthNASA Center for Near Earth Object S...
GARGANTUAN 1049-foot asteroid will soon come extremely close to Earth, NASA reveals

GARGANTUAN 1049-foot asteroid will soon come extremely close to Earth, NASA reveals

[ad_1] Over the past several months, there have been no sightings of any massive asteroids approaching Earth. Instead, we've observed smaller space rocks measuring between 100 and 500 feet in width. While these smaller asteroids could potentially cause damage upon impact, they would not pose a global threat or endanger humanity. However, this is all about to change. NASA has reported that a 1049-foot asteroid, categorized as potentially hazardous, will be approaching its closest proximity to Earth on March 14. This development is particularly concerning because if the asteroid were to collide with Earth, it could potentially cause widespread destruction, flattening hundreds of kilometers of land and triggering earthquakes, tectonic shifts, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires...
Shocking space fact! Asteroid Ryugu samples reveal it is OLDER than the solar system

Shocking space fact! Asteroid Ryugu samples reveal it is OLDER than the solar system

[ad_1] Ever since the samples from the asteroid Ryugu were delivered by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in 2020, the excitement among the astronomers has been at an all time high. And that is mainly because it is believed that this pristine piece of celestial dirt can finally answer questions around the origin of life, how the solar system was formed and more. But now, the earliest studies are coming out after two years of research into the samples and the revelations are even more shocking. It turns out that Ryugu could be older than the solar system itself.The study was published in the Science journal and it concluded, “The organic matter in Ryugu probably consists of primordial materials that formed during (or before) the early stages of th...