Tag: asteroid dinosaurs

Asteroid dust caused 15-year winter that killed dinosaurs: study

Asteroid dust caused 15-year winter that killed dinosaurs: study

[ad_1] Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest smashed into Earth, killing off three quarters of all life on the planet -- including the dinosaurs.This much we know. But exactly how the impact of the asteroid Chicxulub caused all those animals to go extinct has remained a matter of debate. The leading theory recently has been that sulphur from the asteroid's impact -- or soot from global wildfires it sparked -- blocked out the sky and plunged the world into a long, dark winter, killing all but the lucky few.However research published Monday based on particles found at a key fossil site reasserted an earlier hypothesis: that the impact winter was caused by dust kicked up by the asteroid.Fine silicate dust from pulverised rock would have stayed in the atmosphere...
Killer Asteroid strike: Miraculously, these ‘dinosaurs’ escaped mass extinction

Killer Asteroid strike: Miraculously, these ‘dinosaurs’ escaped mass extinction

[ad_1] Birds are the only dinosaur group that survived the terrible asteroid strike that caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs some 66 million years ago. Scientists have been puzzled for years about why birds, descendants of dinosaurs, survived while most others did not, including the fearsome giants that we know all about, Interesting Engineering reports. Now, two new studies have focused on one possible answer: molting.The importance of molting as survival mechanism after asteroid strikeMolting is when birds shed old feathers and grow new ones. Feathers are made of a protein called keratin, which is the same stuff that makes up human hair and nails. Feathers are important for birds because they help them fly, swim, attract mates, stay warm, and protect their skin from the sun. Feath...
Did humans and dinosaurs live together before asteroid strike? Answer will shock you

Did humans and dinosaurs live together before asteroid strike? Answer will shock you

[ad_1] Did humans and dinosaurs ever live together? This may remind us of the iconic Holywood movie called 'Jurassic Park'. However, this question has always been unanswered. Several theories say that an asteroid crashed into Earth around 66 million years ago and drove the dinosaurs into extinction. After the demise of the dinosaurs, humans gradually established their rule on Earth. This theory was based on the fact that studies of fossils of humans and other mammals suggested that they were younger than 66 million years.But it seems like the long debate over whether placental mammals such as horses, dogs, cats, humans, and rats evolved with dinosaurs or they came after they disappeared from Earth, has been ended. A study conducted by Emily Carlisle, a Ph.D. student in Palaeobiology at ...
Dinosaurs were in the prime when the asteroid struck, study reveals

Dinosaurs were in the prime when the asteroid struck, study reveals

[ad_1] A new study has shed light into the living conditions of dinosaurs during the time they went extinct. Here's how they fared. Dinosaurs dominated the Earth millions of years ago during the Mesozoic Era. This included three consecutive geological periods - Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods, during which different species of these creatures inhabited the Earth. But how did these predatory creatures go extinct? Well, Paleontologists believe their extinction process started when an asteroid struck the Earth nearly 65 million years ago. Now, a new study has revealed that dinosaurs were in their prime when the fateful asteroid struck, sending them into extinction.The study revealed that dinosaurs were in the prime of their lives during the late Cretaceous period when the aste...
What if the dinosaurs hadn’t been wiped out by an asteroid?

What if the dinosaurs hadn’t been wiped out by an asteroid?

[ad_1] An asteroid wiped out the asteroids and if that had not happened, our world might look very different. Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid hit the Earth with the force of 10 billion atomic bombs and changed the course of evolution. The skies darkened and plants stopped photosynthesising. The plants died, then the animals that fed on them. The food chain collapsed. Over 90% of all species vanished. When the dust settled, all dinosaurs except a handful of birds had gone extinct.But this catastrophic event made human evolution possible. The surviving mammals flourished, including little proto-primates that would evolve into us. Imagine the asteroid had missed, and dinosaurs survived. Picture highly evolved raptors planting their flag on the moon. Dinosaur scientists, discover...
This monstrous Asteroid triggered a deadly tsunami on Earth

This monstrous Asteroid triggered a deadly tsunami on Earth

[ad_1] Deadly asteroid crash that killed off the dinosaurs also caused a cataclysmic tsunami across the globe. Nearly 66 million years ago, when a city-size asteroid crashed into Earth, it not only wiped out the dinosaurs but also triggered a monster tsunami rippling around the planet, reveals a new study. The asteroid was about 8.7 miles (14 kilometres) wide. Its crash created a crater about 62 miles (100 kilometres) across near Mexico's Yucatan peninsula and triggered a mass extinction of 75% of animal and plant life on the planet including Dinosaurs. As per the research published in American Geophysical Union Advance, the asteroid crash created a series of cataclysmic events like global temperatures fluctuation; plumes of aerosol, soot and dust filled air; as well as triggered w...
Asteroid strike not the only destroyer of dinosaurs: Study

Asteroid strike not the only destroyer of dinosaurs: Study

[ad_1] Dinosaurs were not very diverse and had declined overall even before their extinction nearly 66 million years ago. Asteroid impact on Earth was not the sole reason for extinction of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were not very diverse and had declined overall even before their extinction nearly 66 million years ago, a study of fossilised eggs in China suggests.The long-term decline in global dinosaur diversity and sustained low number of their lineages for the last few million years may have resulted from climate fluctuations and massive volcanic eruptions from the Deccan Traps in India, the researchers said. These factors may have led to ecosystem-wide instability, thus making non-bird dinosaurs vulnerable to mass extinction co...
Gigantic asteroid strike on Earth killed dinosaurs 66 mn years ago – Or did it really?

Gigantic asteroid strike on Earth killed dinosaurs 66 mn years ago – Or did it really?

[ad_1] A recent study has cast doubt upon the popular theory that an asteroid strike killed off dinosaurs. All the technology deployed in tracking and finding out details about asteroid strikes and impact on planets, especially Earth, are wrong? The most popular scientific theory says that 66 million years ago, an asteroid smashed into the Earth and caused the extinction of all dinosaurs. Top technological gadgets have been deployed to sift through the evidence to come to that conclusion. But is it really how things happened? A new study, shockingly, disagrees. According to it, asteroids had nothing to do with the demise of the dinosaur population. And contrary to popular belief, it was volcanic eruptions which contributed to...