Friday, March 7

Tag: alligator

US Doctors Had To Untwist Man’s Hand Muscles Six Times After Horrifying Alligator Attack

US Doctors Had To Untwist Man’s Hand Muscles Six Times After Horrifying Alligator Attack

[ad_1] The man went under the knife for about nine hours and doctors amputated below his elbow.In a horrifying incident, a wildlife expert in the United States lost his right forearm after being mauled by the very alligator he took care of. According to a Facebook post, Greg Graziani, the director of wildlife at Florida Gator Gardens, was attacked on August 17 "during a routine interaction with (the park's) large alligators". Following the incident, he was rushed to Tampa General Hospital with an extreme injury that left his hand connected by just a single tendon and some muscle that the surgeon had to first untwist six times. "A tendon and some muscle that the surgeon had to untwist six times during the initial surgery. Needless to say, we were fully expecting an amputation from the mom...
Two Brothers In US Catch Over 10-Feet-Long Alligator, Officials Say It Could Be 100 Years Old

Two Brothers In US Catch Over 10-Feet-Long Alligator, Officials Say It Could Be 100 Years Old

[ad_1] The alligator is known as "Yellow 410".An alligator caught in the United States is the biggest recorded in Mississippi state and it could be 100 years old. According to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP), the 10-foot-2-inch creature was caught on the Pearl River on August 28 by two brothers, Jim and Richie Denson. The reptile broke the state record for the longest female alligator, officials said on Twitter. Take a look at the images of the alligator below: Sunday, August 28, a new state record for the longest female alligator was broken by two MS alligator hunters! This particular female had been captured and tagged as "Yellow 410" by MDWFP in 2009.Read the full press release -— MDWFP (@MDWFPonline...