Tag: AI technology jobs

Big tech forms a group to investigate the effects of AI on tech jobs

Big tech forms a group to investigate the effects of AI on tech jobs

[ad_1] As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent in the tech industry, questions about its impact on jobs and the economy are gaining traction. Big Tech companies like Google and Microsoft, major players in AI development, are now collaborating to study the potential effects of AI on technology-related employment.Growing Concerns About Job DisplacementLed by Cisco, this consortium also includes industry giants such as IBM, Intel, SAP, and Accenture. Additionally, prominent labor unions like the AFL-CIO and the CWA are serving as advisors to the group. With the rise of generative AI technologies like chatbots and image generators, concerns about AI displacing human jobs have intensified, reported washingtonpost. Also read: Microsoft onboards former Google DeepMind co...