Tag: ai jobs

AI will take away your job? Top Amazon executive says you need not worry

AI will take away your job? Top Amazon executive says you need not worry

[ad_1] The buzz surrounding AI and its potential impact on employment has sparked fear and unease within the tech community. However, amidst reports of job cuts attributed to automation and AI integration, a senior Amazon executive has stepped forward to dispel the notion that robots and technology are job killers.Stefano La Rovere, the Director of Global Robotics, Mechatronics, and Sustainable Packaging at Amazon, asserted in an interview with CNBC this week that the belief in technology displacing jobs is unfounded. Also read: Apple CEO Tim Cook to increase spending on suppliers in Vietnam during his visit- Details Contrary to popular sentiment, La Rovere emphasised that advanced robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and other technologies are not replacing manual labour but rather ...
Big tech forms a group to investigate the effects of AI on tech jobs

Big tech forms a group to investigate the effects of AI on tech jobs

[ad_1] As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent in the tech industry, questions about its impact on jobs and the economy are gaining traction. Big Tech companies like Google and Microsoft, major players in AI development, are now collaborating to study the potential effects of AI on technology-related employment.Growing Concerns About Job DisplacementLed by Cisco, this consortium also includes industry giants such as IBM, Intel, SAP, and Accenture. Additionally, prominent labor unions like the AFL-CIO and the CWA are serving as advisors to the group. With the rise of generative AI technologies like chatbots and image generators, concerns about AI displacing human jobs have intensified, reported washingtonpost. Also read: Microsoft onboards former Google DeepMind co...
AI can change the world forever – Frankenstein AI to exams, here are 6 shocking ways

AI can change the world forever – Frankenstein AI to exams, here are 6 shocking ways

[ad_1] Over the course of history, there have been many revolutions that have brought about changes to society and shaped mankind's future. From an economic shift to industries in the 18th century to the digital revolution of the 2000s, the advancement in the last few centuries has been gathering pace at an ever-increasing pace. Over the last few years, another revolution has been brewing - artificial intelligence (AI). From farming, healthcare, and education to industries, the AI revolution is expected to have a major impact in every sector. Researchers say AI could reshape the world in the coming years and we list 6 ways here.AI could reshape the worldIn a new episode of the Norwegian podcast ‘Game Over?' (via Norwegian University of Science and Technology), researchers Professor Mort...
Eyeing AI Jobs? Nobel Prize Winner Cautions on Rush Into STEM After Artificial Intelligence Rise

Eyeing AI Jobs? Nobel Prize Winner Cautions on Rush Into STEM After Artificial Intelligence Rise

[ad_1] Eyeing AI jobs? A Nobel Prize-winning labor market economist has cautioned younger generations against piling into studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects, saying  as “empathetic” and creative skills may thrive in a world dominated by artificial intelligence. Christopher Pissarides, professor of economics at the London School of Economics, said that workers in certain IT jobs risk sowing their “own seeds of self-destruction“ by advancing AI that will eventually take the same jobs in the future.While Pissarides is an optimist on AI's overall impact on the jobs market, he raised concerns for those taking STEM subjects hoping to ride the coattails of the technological advances. He said that despite rapid growth in the demand for STEM skills current...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: Apple’s AI research, fear of deepfakes spreads in UK, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Apple’s AI research, fear of deepfakes spreads in UK, more

[ad_1] Even as we enter the last leg of the year, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be an important discussion topic for corporations and governments alike. Apple has published new AI research where the researchers have highlighted how large language models (LLMs) can be run on limited storage devices, such as iPhones, instead of the internet, and still maintain their capabilities. This development may give the tech giant an edge over competitors. In other news, the former Justice Secretary Sir Robert Buckland is urging the government to increase its efforts to ensure deepfakes do not become a disrupting factor in the 2024 general election. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Apple's AI research may give it an edge over competitorsApple has recently pu...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: Accenture unveils Gen AI studio, Biden’s AI strategy sparks concern, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Accenture unveils Gen AI studio, Biden’s AI strategy sparks concern, more

[ad_1] Pakistan's Imran Khan speaks from prison through AI in virtual rally amid election concerns; France leads global shift with AI-powered surveillance ahead of 2024 olympics; Biden's stealthy AI strategy sparks clash with Elon Musk and OpenAI over transparency; Accenture unveils Gen AI studio in Bengaluru - this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look. 1. Pakistan's Imran Khan speaks from prison through AI in virtual rallyFormer Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, currently imprisoned, addressed supporters via a five-hour "virtual powershow" organised by his party using artificial intelligence. The online rally featured a four-minute speech delivered by an AI voice replicating Khan. Despite garnering 1.5 million views on YouTube within 12 hours, the event faced challenges...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI threatens wages not jobs, Symphony leverages Google AI, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI threatens wages not jobs, Symphony leverages Google AI, more

[ad_1] Today, November 28, the artificial intelligence space witnessed a major collaboration and several interesting developments. In the first news, the European Central Bank's (ECB) research indicates that the widespread implementation of AI might potentially lead to lower wages for professionals. In other news, Symphony, a markets infrastructure and tech company, is collaborating with Google to enhance its voice analytics services for banks and investment firms. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.ECB paper finds AI can reduce wages, not jobsResearch from the European Central Bank (ECB) reveals that while the widespread adoption of AI may lead to reduced wages, it is currently generating jobs, particularly for the young and highly skilled, reports Reuters. ...
Big boost! GPT-4 increased BCG employees’ productivity compared to staff without the AI tool

Big boost! GPT-4 increased BCG employees’ productivity compared to staff without the AI tool

[ad_1] Generative artificial intelligence and its impact on jobs and employment has been a constant debate ever since the new technology sprang up. The educated estimate is that AI is going to make some jobs obsolete, but it will also create new opportunities. However, one particular aspect where not much research has taken place is how AI and humans working together can impact work. This changed with a recent study that monitored the employees of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to find out the compounding effect of an AI-assisted working environment after handing some participants a GPT-4 powered AI tool.The study was conducted by Harvard Business School and a preprint version of it has been uploaded to Social Science Research Network. The study, titled Field Experimental Evidence of...
Will AI Take My Job? Bosses Shouldn’t Only Consider Bottom Line, Says Expert

Will AI Take My Job? Bosses Shouldn’t Only Consider Bottom Line, Says Expert

[ad_1]  The meteoric rise of AI has catapulted the world into uncharted territory. That's good news for futurists like Amy Webb, who studies emerging technologies and uses quantitative and qualitative modeling to forecast how they'll impact business and society.As founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute, Webb has been grappling with AI and all its concomitant fears, from end-of-humanity doomsday scenarios to market flash crashes and jobs destruction. We caught up with Webb earlier this week at the SXSW conference in Sydney. (Questions and responses have been edited and condensed.) We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join.How is AI affecting worker productivity?AI can greatly improve productivity for cognitive jobs where there's a lot of reading, sorting and tagging, which you often f...
AI will empower more people with little skill to perform higher-level jobs, says N Chandrasekaran

AI will empower more people with little skill to perform higher-level jobs, says N Chandrasekaran

[ad_1] Natarajan Chandrasekaran is Chairman of the Board of the iconic Tata Sons. He has risen to that high office courtesy of years spent as the boss of TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), one of the biggest tech companies in India. Today, Chandrasekaran spoke in detail about what he thinks about the latest global tech rage - artificial intelligence. He was speaking as the Chair of the B20 Summit India 2023, an event that is currently ongoing in Delhi.Looking at the rise of AI as a massive opportunity, Chandrasekaran said that artificial intelligence will create more jobs in India as it will empower more people with little skill or no skill to perform higher-level jobs. Addressing the concerns expressed by many policy-makers and even many tech CEOs like Elon Musk and Sam Altman, over the ...