Restaurant Of The Future – Are Augmented Reality (AR) Menus Taking Over?


The use of technology in food has been going up manifold. We are seeing all sorts of interesting applications of artificial intelligence, robot technology and augmented reality in the food industry. While some restaurants have replaced human waiters with robot ones, others are making food a concept dining experience with the use of futuristic tools. One such tool that has come into the limelight recently is the Augmented Reality (AR) menu. The idea behind the AR menu is that diners don’t just read about the menu from the written version, but also see it come to life visually on their tables before they place their orders. Take a look:

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Imagine you are at a restaurant and are about to order your food. There are often doubts in your mind about the portion size, the exact quantity being served, whether it would be served along with any sides and how the food would be presented. Augmented Reality menus would clarify all these questions and more. Further, you do not need any additional equipment to access these special menus, as they would be visible from the cameras on your phone. A small device would project the menu onto your table and you can engage and interact with the visuals directly. This ability to provide a multi-sensory appeal for the food works great for this industry.
Several restaurants are trying their hands at introducing AR menus into their spaces. A restaurant chain named Denny’s Diner in the US has released a new menu which is fully AR-based. It offers a glimpse into the restaurant’s history, exclusive deals and signature dishes in a visual-friendly format, as per Sportskeeda. Meanwhile, Pizza Hut too launched augmented reality pizza boxes for their customers to play games on, as per Business Insider.
Do you think AR menus are a welcome addition to the restaurant experience? Or should it be kept simple without fuss? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.


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