There is even a distinct order in the way the food is served on the banana leaf during an Onam Sadhya. Pappadum is placed on the extreme left of the leaf. On the top of the big pappadum, banana is served. Starting from the right of the papad, salt, sarakarapuratti and banana wafers are placed. Only after this, ginger lime and mango pickles are served on the leaf. On the right, ‘cabbage thoran‘ is served. Finally avial and kuttu curry are served.
Beans Thoran
Traditional Aviyal
Kerala Vegetable Stew
Rice is served only after the guests are seated in front of the leaves. Only two spoons of rice is considered enough for the sumptuous feast. Ghee is drizzled generously over the rice. Rice is the main dish served with a number of side dishes and curries which are collectively called Kootan. Poured over the rice are dishes like pulissery, sambhar and rasam.
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