Gaganyaan mission: ISRO wants to send women fighter pilots to space


ISRO on Saturday conducted its first test flight named Gaganyan TV-D1 mission. The test flight was successful and all the objectives were achieved. The test flight focused on various separation actions and how the crew model system will work during the actual mission. After a successful flight, ISRO chief S. Somanath said they prefer woman fighter test pilots and women scientists for the Gaganyaan mission. Know more of what he plans for the mission.

Gaganyaan manned mission

As per reports, Somanath told PTI that the Gaganyaan mission may involve female fighter test pilots or female scientists and he also plans to include them in the official launch in future as well. He further talked about sending a female humanoid robot during the unmanned Gaganyaan mission which is expected to happen next year. Somanath said, “No doubt about it…but we have to find out such possible (women) candidates in the future.” he added, “Right now, the initial candidates are to be from Air Force fighter test pilots…they are a bit different category. Right now, we are not having women fighter test pilots. So, once they come, that is one route.”

ISRO plans that till the official launch of the Gaganyaan manned mission, they are hoping more women pilots will join the force and till then women scientists be part of the mission as astronauts. As per reports, the Gaganyan mission will take place in the year 2025, till then the space agency will continue to make developments and tests for the successful mission.

About Gaganyaan mission

The Gaganyaan mission is ISRO’s first manned project that will take humans 400 kilometres above in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for three days, and bring them back safely by landing in the Indian Ocean. This mission will lay the foundation for a sustained Indian human space exploration program in the long run, which will also strengthen the nation’s position as a key player in space exploration.

As part of this program, the government of India has given the green light to two uncrewed missions and one manned mission. As of now, the mission payloads are in different stages of development and ISRO plans to conduct a series of tests before the official launch.


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